Tina's Story -Chapter 99 -Dead Man Writing- A Gray Muzzle story

"there is someone that the united states has a great interest in. known to us as 'the hyena', from telexes we intercepted, "the hyena' was the largest dealer of arms on the world stage." "sounds like a bad actor. but what does this have to do with me?

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Lost love

The voice was coming from a military base of the united states. the base is a secret from all but the president and a few top advisers. "damn it laser what did you do this time" asked a gruff voice over the communication line in lasers ear.

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A war of the heart

General adralick was once once a former general in the united states army who went awol after a skirmish that went sour in pakistan.

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Canis Interstellar

Founded in 2086 ce in chicago by the eighteen year old thorsten canis, then canis logistics started out in the united states as a local and regional transportation company, rapidly expanding within a few short years to a nationwide corporation.

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Paraskepite- Epilog

"wait so then how did the terrorists get the parasites into the united states in the first place?" joseph asked. "infected mosquitos were the first to infect others.

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Open House Day One

They were first engineered by the united states military in the year 2000."


The Lakehouse: Chapter 1

In the warm light the two men's army fatigues were clearly visible, as well as the patches that labeled the as united states airborne rangers. they held themselves as such; standing up straight and proud, their heads held high when in public.

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Story Guide: BOVERSE

(this list is obviously incomplete, if i mention new countries/places/adjectives in a story i'll add it here) _unimerica_ [united states/america] adjective:_unimerican_ similar government structure to real-world u.s. federal structure (i.e. states).

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American Mustelid Alpha - Promo

We searched all across the united states for the toughest, gnarliest everyday mustelids there are, leaving no stone unturned in trying to represent every side and feature of this fierce family.

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Chapter 9

"master sergeant jack tucker, united states special forces," the wolf gave a fake smile, "this here is private endrico warwing, also special forces."

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Our adventure through scholastic learning and college life takes place at a university in the northern united states. we start a few days before the semester starts.

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Finding Ones Place, pt 1

Its like there is a shortage of dragons in this region though i asume thats because i live in the middle of nowhere in probably the most barren and boring state in the united states. but its home i suppose.

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