"if this is a trick, you will spend the night at the cope police station." i told him sternly. this wasn't something to joke about. something felt off about this whole thing. when we first got here i was tired, and just wanted sleep.
Power of Hate 2: The Pain of Truth
"hell no, i'm heading for the police station! watch the video of what happened as you were running for the car." mitch said, as he slowed the car back down to the speed limit.
Invane: Misaim Fire
Grab the rocks and bricks, put them into your sack and run off towards the police station. it is guaranteed to work!" "i have got to stop you from watching advertisements and commercials at once." huzizu commented, "also, it would not.
Venturing: Friend like Crow
However, you can pick them up from the order police station once we had leave for chaos headquarters. we have important business to take care of there." "great. but there is one other thing..." "what is it?" "i will be in a meeting soon in a week.
Havana or Hell, part three
The psychiatrist and i were in a small office in the downtown oakfort police station. exactly how inspector quinn had managed to pick up a shrink with such short notice was a mystery to me, but he certainly looked the part.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 15: The Trees Left Standing
He still remembered running to a police station when he was in the first or second grade to tell them that his father was beating his mother and all he got was a fuck-off from them. literally.
Paraskepite- Chapter Seventeen
He gave her the directions to a small cafe near the police station. they agreed to meet in an hour and joseph prepared himself to go back out. he brought the items he collected from dr.
Cry Me a Murder (Part One) : Six Red Tears
While i studied the pencil drawing, quinn made two espressos on the expensive_gazzia brewmaster_ he bought for the police station. "the artist was freaking out when he did this," i noted, which was the understatement of the decade.
The Rain
The police station grew nearer as we headed for it. he said not to worry, but it still scared me a little. we got out and he lead me to the door. inside, it was busy, furs in uniform walking around, doing paperwork, sometimes pulling someone behind them.
Venturing: Awaitor
They resorted to bribing an owner that owns the factory building nearby the police station to distract us.
In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 17)
Lamri nodded and left, moments later there came the sound of engines becoming fainter as the police car and van headed back to the nearest police station.
Toronto City Wars: Warp vs. Bantam Beaver
As he pondered these thoughts, they reached the police station. warp's leg had begun to ache again from the walk - albeit brief as it was.