Mission: Resurrection Part one - Chapter one
Comments are welcome, everyone has an opinion, however constructive critisim is by far more welcome than mindless troll condemnation. thank you for the interest, i hope you enjoy.
Anum Chaos © – The Legend History 2004/5 – 2008
If i use a title with "furry" - some people will like it but more will hate it and make than jokes - dam trolls. so i need another word - so i use the words animal and human - and nick them into "anum".
Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 6 -- So It Begins...
"i just hope there's more of those and not the trolls i had to fight weeks ago." he heard a warping sound behind him and turned to see spyro and cynder appear at the front gates. they gaped at the sight and he grinned. "whoa..."
Weapon – Transparent
The 'trolls' were having fun, claiming it was fake. there was a few nasty pieces posting 'human president for a human country' over and over, of course i ignored those.
The Book of Warlock 18. In love and war.
The battlefield spread before them, trolls stumbling as they rode past, surprised at what their poor vision could see.
The Book of Warlock 17. The rat who would be King.
The trolls at the back with the launchers were unfortunately slow to catch up on events due to the pause in orders, and they'd sent a few boulders smashing into their own troops up on the battlements, but it could have been worse.
A Night Out, A Night In - Chapter 06 : Stand Off and Stand Down
Hansen drew the string of his bow back tighter and craned his neck, trying to peer behind makae, looking for the other kobolds, goblins, or trolls that surely must be lurking out in the hallway.
The Crests of Power and How They Were Discovered
To all you flamers and trolls out there that will try to mail me to get me to take this story down, good luck. i will want you to tell me my first name and his first and last name.
Realms Of Fantasy Chapter 11: Beast Mode
"she can handle trolls on social media and the like just fine; she's just gets overwhelmed sometimes when she's dealing with a smaller group and can see individually everyone she may be potentially disappointing.
6) The Return to Whiterun
What i didn't expect, were the trolls that were the inhabitants. yes, i said trolls. plural. one troll i was used to seeing, but two of them made me turn tail and run right back out of the cave. i had no intention of being someone's lunch.
Vargothen - New Beginnings - Session 1
I shudder at the thought of undead trolls and ogres. i arrive at the guard tower. they were right, undead are at the tower.
An introduction to Blood Sports prt 1
Monsters - this faction is spliced to resemble the appearance and abilities of terrifying creatures such as ogres, goblins, orcs, and trolls.