Great Rp idea!

Their magic nearly drove the humans to the stars, until one man, one scientist stepped in and showed the humans that they too could harness magic, or as he called it, mag-tech.


S2 Ep14 Justin's backstory

He grew up somewhat modestly before his family company became big after the fall of the silver tech company in gaia. he along with his parents are normal while his older sisters are the crazy type.

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Chapter 5 : Sad times

He remembered an old friend saying that if you do come across any ancient archeo-tech with these runes, use this code. he also remembered his friend saying it was a universal code that would open any door.

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Lucked Out - Thursday Prompt Story [#6, 09/2/23]

And it wasn't just their vibe -- they had also introduced grian to many of their own tech-centered friends, most of who he still keeps in contact with today.

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Havana or Hell, part five

But soon daniel is caught up in a web of international espionage, hi-tech weaponry... and demons. ix katryn scratched the bridge of her nose, and placed a second engineer token on the r&d section of her map. "your move!" she said.

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Shattered Timelines: Battletech

His bloodshot eyes glanced back at the gantry as techs began to walk his cyclops out of the bay. "the techs had better not damage my lycanthrope.


Christine Ch 5

While they brooded on it, one of the techs came up to the table. "director, we think we've found up a good place to set up an administrative center.

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Natural Habitat Interviews 2: Jybian

They're both tech nerds, even before being a tech nerd was considered cool. for a while, i was going to go to college and major in computer sciences, but i discovered that there was one major drawback to that idea. james lipton: which was?

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Danger Money

While i waited i rigged the tech's pocket computer to send out test pulses at random times. this would hopefully fool the computer into thinking that the tech was hard at work. eventually my target did show up again with his girl.

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Concept Ideas for a story

Some agents learn aura-based elemental magic, while others work with high-tech and medieval weapons. they also have to juggle their secret agent lives with their main lives.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 36

I hear this one is actually seriously high tech... kind of makes me nervous to be honest..." he told the two with a nervous laugh as they continued looking at him, unable to understand his meaning. "you know... high tech... futuristic... uhh...

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Prologe of the Fox

_most people_ say that there aren't any people left in the jungle, that they had all died after the tech-revolution. **wrong**. i guess i'm the "_exception to the rule_" seeing as i'm supposed to be dead but i'm still breathing. tragic, isn't it?

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