Antithesis, The Terminus of Light and Dark
But shaden was ready for the spell, the stones at his feet suddenly leaping upward like a wall, the arrows splintering into nothing as they touched it.
Alice Dippleblack in The Jellybane Ch8
Core stones are replaced and added to which helps brighten the interior even more. twinkaleni has them build a short wall at the entrance from stones to keep jellies and other things out. it's just tall enough that even the mouse girl can hop over it.
The Clan Chronicles-Maryk Addition Chapter One: A Place to Rest My Head
Through the small pond, and on one of the stones was a pretty little fox with- wait a minute, a fox?
StrangeOwl Chapter 3
As the people began to disperse and the fire tender banked the fire, the shaman told me to go to the river and wash myself clean with the white sand and stones of the river.
Wolfen - Chapter 7
You see, these stones had an additional effect that the wizards did not anticipate. they gave us sight that was far better than what we had before. instead of our vision being limited to our eyes, these stones let us perceive things through the mana.
ch.01 The cost of war
"at this point an act of the creator himself" he says then turns his head quickly "incomiiinnng" a sentry's shout is the only warning before felfire engulfed stones rain down on the command camp, shattering the mirror and setting his tent ablaze as atrius
Sky Ocean Chapter 7
stones of crimson shades and exotic shapes dotted the area in a sort of natural rock garden. chuckling lightly at harvy's dazed expression, gar gently tugged at her paw, urging her forward.
Chaos Pokemon Chapter 5:Chaotic Reunion
The chaos emeralds are from a completely different universe, so why are there energies so similar to the evolutionary stones!? professor oak-well, it seems that these stones just got more mysterious.
Chaos Pokemon Chapter 5: Chaotic Reunion
The chaos emeralds are from a completely different universe, so why are there energies so similar to the evolutionary stones!? professor oak-well, it seems that these stones just got more mysterious.
Bound Into Fact : The Last Dragon
Small stones of life waiting for the warmth of his love and by striking this comet, the firegod sacrificed his omnipotence to warm these stones. these stones..."_ "were eggs!!!!!" "midnaaaaaaaaaaa ugh!" "whaaat?"
The Guardians of Equestria – Chapter 1 – Awkward Moments, Questions, and Conversations
"magical appliances are contraptions that require magically infused stones to work. they have box-like compartments where you put the stones so the device will work... the stones themselves are what most ponies would call marble-rocks.
The Guardian Chapter 1: The Forest
It was evident from the trees of pure crystal and the beautiful stones and gems that were scattered on the ground as far as the eye can see.