S2 Ep1 The Future

(i have made a simple discord server for this project you can join it here: https://discord.gg/5zjfkb9zk5) one month later after the events of season one, the wolves had been living on their homeworld becoming a bit more technology advanced than a month ago

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S3 Ep8- Beverly

I have made a discord server dedicated to this project : https://discord.gg/5zjfkb9zk5 so again after a concert solaris ran into beverly, and the two had gone to grab a coffee as this time they were in opal city's entertainment district.

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Boredom makes you write weird things

I deleted it after i got notified that text walls are illegal on the server. i had for some reason the urge to share this text, so i uploaded it here. i'm not a professional writer nor am i interested in becoming one so there might be many mistakes.


S1 Ep 32 Mastering the wolf elements

#32 of the rebels of gaia (season 1) artemis gains better control over his wildcard powers (i have made a simple discord server for this project you can join it here: https://discord.gg/5zjfkb9zk5) after a lot of hard work artemis mastered the 8 main wolf

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S1 Ep22- The Beginning of Despair

(i have made a simple discord server for this project you can join it here: https://discord.gg/5zjfkb9zk5) in the background athena and her family are still organizing the plans of a wedding and their latest operation to harness the powers of the eight magic

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S1 Ep19 Wolf Mania pt3

(i have made a simple discord server for this project you can join it here: https://discord.gg/5zjfkb9zk5) akira had used his powers to clean up the mess (as bohdi froze the trash and victor and colton smashed it to pieces.

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Chapter 3 of: Not your Average School Year

After a few moments jamey noticed a rather voluptuous beagle approaching the table, most likely there server. "hello gentleman, welcome to quentingtons, what will you be drinking this evening?"

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The Pack

We came to the top and down below was a vally with pine trees scattered around growing in diffrent places, he lead me down the hill and i was stared at my serveral other wolves one growled while others just tilted there heads watching as i went by.

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Tension (original)

Also, join my writer's server, {[my server](https://discord.gg/agy2f66)} thank you to all you readers! please like/vote/share and save this story! if ya want by me a coffee! get me one[here!]

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The Coming of Spring

A damp haired sarah approaches with a young male selkie following her, {that must be the server's fisherman brother}. i catch alberich's nod at my mental thought as sarah gives me a hug, "i'll miss you hunter gwen.

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Interspecies Diplomacy for Beginners

* * * preview ends - if you like what you're seeing, check out my discord-server, link is on the front page.

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Fugitive's Trust Chapter 7 Part 1 of 2

The server offered helpfully. "no thank you," farnsbeck said flatly as he handed the man a single gold coin. the server took the money gratefully and started to exit the room.

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