Team Argos, Chapter 4
Leaving him sedated and restrained in a straitjacket in a padded room she thought _bring me back to your room._ **fyrefoxx & x-zorb** sheathing himself in flames, fyrefoxx kicked the air, sending an arc-shaped wave of flame towards the spider.
The Human Species Ch. 24 - Twisted Pokémon Professor
"he's sedated," the thin man said before suddenly flicking lucario's nose, "see? completely harmless." lucario perked up and looked in front of him with a stare of a thousand fires. all he saw was a blurred image of someone...
My Brother the.....Dark Lord?
Schhhh..beep..schhhh..beep "no mr.styles it won't, with your sons current condition and how we have him sedated there will be no pain.
Shouting at the Forest - 0x00
The hike to lunch tired him; the lunch itself sedated him, heavy in his belly. he tried to find more length in his backbone, then twisted his neck this way and that. it was a gesture he had to have learned from rkax.
Fallen Angels, Part seven - See Daniel Run. See Daniel Kill
As the cloud of sedation evaporated from my mind, so did all my worries. _how am i going to pay my bills? what if i have an episode in public and make an ass out of myself? what if something bad happens to my sister kat?
Venom, Episode 1
Anyhow, hiss proved to not particularly care for being poked and prodded by curious herpetologists, and so she was quite moody and quite resistant to sedatives by the time i got back.
The Hunter and The Rift: Chapter One
Her image was like an emotional pacifier that sedated my fidgeting. the fae whispered softly,"i'll take care of you...i can not let a poor little fuzzball like you just sit here all alone...the world can be so harsh to beautiful things..."
Werefox's Dillema- Chapter 6
I bundle up the clothing as well as i can before i lose consciousness, as if i'm under a sedative and fall back asleep. i stood and shake. my fur feels nice. it is warm. snow falls on me. i don't mind. i'm warm. i'm fed. this little snow no problem.
Red Moon Rises
A potent sedative and fever remedy. a small bushel of the herbs sprouted from around a pillar and statue of a great king, his features so worn he was hardly recognizable as human.
Rose- A Whole New World
That time i was under heavy sedation. this time i can feel everything. it is a very strange sensation. you can feel yourself moving very fast and yet nothing moves.
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 41
But we didn't bring anything to sedate it with though... should we...?" another officer asked, raising its weapon only for another to push it back down.
Born For Loyalty Chapter 2
She had to be sedated when they finally took the foal away. they named her star sky but life was never the same again. fires has resisted any attempt to have another child. blitz hoped that with an adopted kid fires will have her confidence back.