Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 33

She raised the knife - it was a rusty old thing - and slid it across the palm of her hand, drawing a neat, red line through her flesh. "too late, too late, too late..." ander reached for the knife, then thought better of it.

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Playing Herbalist - Writing Prompt

My high dersin is a bit rusty, but, it should still work." brutus stepped back from the cauldron, bringing the collie back with him. he pulled out a focusing wand and pointed it towards his mixture.

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Murciél's Madrigal

Your spanish is rusty, but his amiable gesture to the box beside him compels you to sit. "_soy_ murciél. tell me friend, what brings you down this road in the deep of night?"

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First Journey: The Black Wolf and The Golden Retriever - Prologue

A small rusty lantern radiated inviting warmth even from meters away. curiously, the orange-hued light was able to dispel the surrounding fog. carried by a cloaked person, his figure became clearer with every step.

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Ander - Chapter 8, Subchapter 1

I am a little rusty, though..." james smiled and held up his hand, showing off the bandages around his thumb and middle finger. "this one i got when i bapped myself with a hammer. and this one is from when i nicked myself with a saw.

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The Checkpoint Bridge

From the edge of the water, allen's rusty old car could be seen in the distance in a clearing near the forest, and both the husky and wolf jumped each of the tree roots, ledges and small creek offshoots like they knew the terrain as if it were the back of

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Ander - Epilogue: Subchapter 1

I am a little rusty, though..." james smiled and held up his hand, showing off the bandages around his thumb and middle finger. "this one i got when i bapped myself with a hammer. and this one is from when i nicked myself with a saw.

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Chapter Seven: Bar Fights and Secrets

I'm a bit rusty myself, but i think we can consider today a victory. let's head back to the transport." the three left the bar and tried their best to blend in, their ragged appearances working to their advantage.

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Kiss My Arse 7 - The Rescue from the Darkness

He ripped open my shirt and pulled the rusty hook across my chest. "the mark of my prey!" i flipped him off and pulled out my deagles, firing randomly into the darkness.

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Lost Into the Past Chapter 10

"and here i thought you were tired of that old, rusty, dinosaur train." thurston replied, laughing a bit. mr. conductor stammered a bit in response. "o-old?! r-rusty?!" he shouted a little, getting visibly mad at thurston's comments.

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It was a spot covered in the same rusty trees that were everywhere else, but he knew this had to be here. it was the second highest elevation in this new world, centered halfway between two other mountains.

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Juryokine: Chapter Twenty Three

Instead, toke found himself on a rusty catwalk that groaned when he put his weight on it.

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