Mech Stories - Lauren

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the line hummed to life. "i'm still here, three-line." lauren let out her breath at the sound of richard's voice.

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Pokémon Journey (pt 1)

. * * * (opening song which is to the tune of original pokémon tune from first series) i want to beat the very rest (this line is similar to the first line of the real song) like no one ever has (this line is similar to the original second) to

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The Bloodless Soldier

I ran back to the front line in time to see my comrades in two lines, the first with their rune etched bayonets thrusting forward, cutting down enemy, the second firing over their heads into the following lines of enemy.

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Midnight Chills

Anyz, i made it to the local wal-mart and stood in line with other gamers. there were a few other girls beside me but it was alright, i guess. the line was a pure, excuse my language, clusterfuck.

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Tuff Ch. 7 & 8

Rocker headed towards lines of tape on the concrete under the building where everyone else was lining up, trying to keep his cool with the feline yelling and keeping pace with him.

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November Challenge #1: What Replaces Talent?

Even as she raged, even as she cried, she scratched out line after line after line of her work.

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Two vehicles came up to the start line and one of the girls grabbed both drivers' pink slips.

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Vignette: Acts of Intent

> _then he would bike and hunt for the cold he knew peppered the town._ the sigil was one unbroken line. one line that contained all those arcs and curves and straightaways and angles and corners.

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Yukon Do It

Something tugs at the end of her line. vito notices it right away. "hey, hey! donna!" "huh?" she looks at the end of her line. the vixen springs into action, reeling it in as fast as she can.

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Chapter 7 - Trial and Error

* * * outside, the group finally made it past the third line of defense, which spanned both the third and forth lines just in case the electrocution malfunctioned.

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The Protector Series: Garis and the Military Chapter 1

Once the line started to die down, garis decided to get in line. they gave him the normal rations, a sandwich, an apple, and a pudding cup. he grabbed an orange juice from the rack of drinks and walked to an empty table.

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Track and Field: Part 23 - I Will Wait

But the line is broken by these small lines here. see? they form a chain?" i nodded. i'd never noticed that before, the lines weaving through one another like that.

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