Good Company #2

He made sure to accomplish his tasks prior to taking his leave, and flamma came to expect a late meal to accommodate; he did not mind taking his meals in the late evening if it meant he did not have to be alone in his chambers.

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A Love Rivalry

The moon glowed bright enough for it to seem like it was dusk as all the creatures gathered up in numbers, besides everything between younglings and the elders being there, there was only 1 late comer, dendira she always was casually late for any occasion

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"mom's probably going to be late again." "i know..." ashley sighed. 'that's not fair! it's not like i stay late every night!' barbara barked but the kids paid her no mind.

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The Sylarium : Part 6

If it went on for much longer, he would be late. again. with sylarys' wrath to look forward to. if he went back now, he could give her the food. say it was making up for being late.

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The Beginning: Part 3

Sorry for posting it so late, i had some things to do during the day. :/ the fourth part should be up by tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon, depending on when i wake up.

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An Eventful Day

Gotta go, don't want to be late!" chazore said as he turned toward the staircase. "ya got five minutes! stick around, you won't be late!" "heck no man, i can't stand wasting time when i have somewhere to be!"

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Chapter 3-An Unexpected Meeting

What going to happen if the police are too late? that about it and again everything false in this chapter. please leave criticism, please i am begging you!

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With Tooth and Paw: Chapter 5

He couldn't think of any mountains that were a few hours away from where they were and would have snow so late in the spring.


My New Kingdom

I have to quickly get over that though, to catch a cab and get to my aunt and uncle's house before it gets late. once outside i put two fingers in my mouth and blow.

Ghosted! Or not?

I'm waiting for someone who's about an hour late to sh-sh, to be here. hour late to show? damn that's brutal. hahahah. but funny, hey? like what are the odds? ummm? eh?....

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A Different Kind of Journey (Shinx TF)

Things started off poorly right off the bat, waking up late for his appointment with professor rowan.

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The Primal Betreyal #01

It was getting late, when the other group of bandits walked into the hideout. they started to shout at each other. ardrehir couldn't understand any word. he felt, that it's his chance to escape now.

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