A terrible accident

The interior is ruined, and a lot of other junk, which i don't know the names of, are also shot." kyle explained, bane was turning redder and as payback he pinched kyle right under his tail, making him jump up with a yelp. tayu laughed and stood up.

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Twisted Whispers And Twisted Sisters, Part II

Said robert, leaning against one of the many junked cars that lined the left side of the massive driveway. it was more like a dirt field in front of the house, room enough for many cars.

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The Natural Selection - Prologue

You're fine by me to look at that stuff in your own time, but homelessness is _not_ a problem that'll just solve itself overnight, and the least you could all do is put those meddlesome pieces o' junk down, sit up straight and _pretend_ that you're puttin'

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Final Hope

Usually, the old junk heap took a few tries to start up, but the ship roared to life immediately as if understanding the urgency of their situation.

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Wolf's Heart

Granted, nothing high tech like the equipment you work on at the lab, but cheap junk is cheap junk." dave laughed at that. "you can say that again. at least they pay well. anything new happening at the warehouse?"

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Looking Up

Only this time, he wasn't speaking in such hushed tones. "...this piece of junk. the damn thing's a brick." "i'm sorry, but you bought it as is. that's the deal for items of that... nature.

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Duty Chapter 27: Due Process

Judge shirk slammed his hand down on the bench, "so you've barged in on me to make frivolous claims whose only binding support comes from a junked out fu...killer who would say anything to save himself from the death penalty and possibly even under duress

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Taking Andy

After a couple of short hours we decided it was time to head home and spend the rest of our day watching tom hanks movies and eating plenty of junk food. the traffic was practically gone with a few stragglers getting nowhere in no particular hurry.


Wolf E. - Prologue and Chapter 1

His brothers started to discuss boring junk like cars and sports that e. was totally and completely uninterested in so he just ignored them and focused on the taste of his bacon.

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Among the Fallen

I shuffle aimlessly around a convenience store i'm not familiar with, gazing over all the useless junk and little knick knacks that, in life, i would have passed over without a second thought.

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1:17 Blackwell

Looking like a piece of junk, it would draw less attention than some fancy contraption. but the power of this machine lay within its plastic shell. it cost alias about a full jobs pay to get this machine with the specs it had.

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Ardring - Chapter 2

Especially with alexis in there, he was amazed craig had managed to move some old junk aside to make room for her. the whistling grew louder. craig said something, but zerrif couldn't hear him, and the little ferret just pointed.

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