The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 17

The soft smacking of the amber dragon's what seemed like constantly electrocuted tongue against his lips could be heard even before excited flood of words burst from his mouth.

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Song in the Dark: Day 3

It was the flash-fried moth, having landed on the floor after electrocuting itself. "ugh." he scraped the moth off on the door frame and went to put the book away. but first, he looked it over and made sure it hadn't been damaged in the fall.

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Remember Me 6 - As We Cross The Azure Sea

"oh uhhh yeah," the croc looked up from uncoupling the rook's skull, "that's a trappent, people use 'em to catch bugs and it uh electrocutes them." "electrocutes?"

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First Arc: The Fallen Kings -- Chapter 5 -- Part One -- {A Bad Omen}

Raiji said in a comedic pout as he was suddenly electrocuted on the spot with purple lightning. "shut it." the woman said in an uninterested tone. "mind if you get to the introductions now, onee-chan?"

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Zootopia: First Salvo chapter 13

"hooking up to the intended supply of power before knowing the load of power has been hooked up can result in an electrical short and possible electrocution." myler replied. "especially when what mister myler?" johnathan asked again.

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Just Keep running!

I needed to land before i was torn to shreds or even electrocuted. before i was struck, i dove to the ground, flaring my wings shortly before making contact. my knees jolted with the impact, a brief flare of pain shooting up my spine.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 7

By the time she was done her head stood in every direction, she looked as if she got electrocuted, many of those strands flew down, covering her snout like a hood. flare chuckled. "you look so funny!"

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Dragon Storm: Chapter 44: Two stories, one Author, The Dark Coastlines!

The human said while losing blood, he was engulfed in a dark aura that seemed to electrocute him insanely. it began to drain his power as indicated by the fading mirriogan and the energy readings rio got from him being up close.

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Dynasty Origins, Act 05: Crackdown

I stood up, still holding my head before trying to land a punch onto the baron, only to feel like a single touch electrocuted me.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 12

"i'm coriza, no one but a humble priestess for this temple my lord" spyro balked, his whole body tensing as if electrocuted. whatever signs of anger and involuntary primacy burst like an overloaded balloon.

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Uskara Tales II: Gwendolyn Espris (Part II)

_**" qelrinn roared in pain as he was electrocuted and knocked into the wall again before dropping to his knees. steam or smoke wafted off the dragonborn, his robes and scales singed pretty badly. he was in a daze as he recovered from the shock.

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