Who would win ? Machine city Matrix or skynet terminator

Huge armor and rapidly able to produce sentinels online cyber warfare multiple entities cons relies on humans unknown damage to the planet skynet military tactics range of units to deploy advance weapons such as lasers and plasma weapons

i pod love part 3

Tails was a tactical genius back then, able to understand anything. ruby was pure intelligence, coupled with his strange talent of reading people.

Tales of Azoria - Chapter 16

His dad was a true hero, even if his tactics aren't entirely ethical. he smiled toward his dad one final time before beginning to focus on his trip back to floria.

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Too Defensive

Pick up that blade, we're gonna try a new tactic." samuel walked over the few feet to where he'd thrown the sword. it's steel blade caught the sun again as it rose higher in the sky.

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A New World, A New Journey Chapter 9

_ i thought and started to think about different tactics. but no one of them would really work... \*bam!\* \*bam\* \*bam\* i heard something that sounded like punching and looked up to see what it could have been.

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Episode 1: Flight of the Raptor

"they'll be here in about five minutes," the tactical officer replied. "raise shields," stiles ordered. "shields raised, but they're only at 42 percent. they'll be ineffective against urthean weaponry," the tactical officer reported.

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Turning the Tide

The enemy capital ships formed one point of a rough triangle above sython, with the crippled adaron and her carrier forming the other corners, which wasn't a bad tactical position to start from.

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2. My New Life-1

"tactical, get me an analysis on one of those ships and hurry!" "sir, tactical. i've selected one of the big sleek looking starships holding station on the convoy's right flank, it's called a sovereign iii heavy assault class cruiser.

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Limbo Lower (Otherwise Untitled)

All the navigational information and tactical stuff was taken when the captain left.", the kestrel leaning to address the deer directly.

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Future Vision: Chapter 4

With a smirk gp closed the com channel and walked over to the tactical gunnery station and waved the officer away from the console.

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Future Vision: Chapter 2

tactical systems offline. weapons offline. reactor output at 75% and falling. hard radiation detected. containment failure in 3 minutes."

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Void Incursions Chapter 1: Contact

As she played with the signal with a small portion of her core, and managed tactical information with another, she opened up a com channel to the military base located in the highate mountains of kelinen.

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