The Changing Face of Evil
A chitter-squeak. squeak! "uh ... your paws are burned pretty bad." there was no dermal regenerator on the bridge. "i don't have time to take you ... " whir-whir-whir! " ... to sickbay.
Tomorrow on the Runway
He squeaked. squeaked! and tried to get to his back, but she kept him pinned to his belly. a cheetah, she kept him pinned. dug her paws and claws in. and bit his neck. the mouse whimper-squeaked. pained.
A More Exotic Locale
"squeak! squeak squeeeeeeak!" the rat protested. "i'm not sure what you're so upset about." kickaha looked at the rat idly. "you needed to hide from the police, i knew a good spot, but you were a bit too big to fit into the drainpipe.
The Meteor Kitten
You can only imagine my surprise when a tiny black kitten squeaked out a mew, still covered in icky, eggy goo. "mew?" i wept, but all she did was curl up with me, beginning to purr for the very first time.
Some Incandescent Light
A giggle-squeak! "do you?" "i do." "mm." "i love," she whispered, her fingers tracing up and down his bare, exposed side, "how your tail just hangs over the bed like that.
“Premonition” - The Day Of
Ears swivel back for the bedroom door creaks ajar and the last of a rasping tapers off in a squeak. he tries to stop shaking, tries to steady his breathing, but he horks up a vegetable and just vomits.
squeaking. mousey tics. mousey movement. mousey motion.
Where the Marrow Should Be
Field squeaked a bit, and ... nodded. and took slow, steady breaths, and ... felt lighter. felt ... "there it is," she whispered, seeing ... ... the mouse smile for the first time.
Meet, Greet and Eat.
He squeaked, before burping heavily.
Rub ya belly?
Frozen against the wolf, tsumi could only squeak, barely aware as the accountant eased to his feet ponderously, and gently eased the mog's buckled shoes to the ground too.
Getting To Know You
"squeak!" nick tried to shout but his voice refused to form into words. as the changes finished both of the two former humanoids sat in silence.
What I Know
A tiny squeak. "mm. yeah, but, uh ... darling, you don't need parachutes in space. there's no air. they wouldn't work.