Chapter 15 - Practicalities

He noticed the bear jotting, or sketching something on the piece of paper, which piqued his curiosity. he slowly approached the bear and watched him for a while, noticing he was designing what looked like a new vehicle of some sort.

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His Destiny (part 4)

\> and the umbreon draw on the soil a sketch of two clawed hands that had some kind of globe between them and then said \


The Warrior's Dove Ch: 1

(though i am running some rough drafts, and i hope i will get a little better at sketching.) these chapters are short, very short, but should sound intriguing and well written. and i should be able to post regularly.

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Artist's Block (A short Hyena TF)

Leon half-sighed his words as closed the notebook he'd been sketching in, running a hand through his red hair as he started dragging himself away from his still unfinished project.

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New Beginning Chapter 8: You Can Never Be Too Careful

The sketch was accurate, and may have even been a mirror image of myself, if it weren't for the five-inch fangs coming out of my mouth. finding the page of the story, i flipped to it and skimmed it.

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cynder x spyro lovnlies ch8

The lock opened, he removed it and looked through the drawer. it looked like he had an admirer from the get-go. there were sketches of him in heroic poses, paintings of small proportion, and little scribbles. there were a disturbing number of hearts on a lot

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Castaways - Chapter 5

Nick holds his blanket and sketch book in his arms as he waits for his friend to open the door. "you mean you got busted. you didn't have to do that you know... i can take responsibility for my actions... i'm not a baby."

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Cry Me a Murder (Part One) : Six Red Tears

He showed me a pencil sketch drawn by an amateur. the lines were shaky and the artist pressed down too hard on the pen.

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Lily's Start

I picked up some drawing supplies and began to start my sketch, first drawing the moon and then sketching out all of the creatures that would appear underneath it, including vampires, skeletons, and, of course, werewolves.

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Lead Not with the Switch

Another story sketch that had started under nanowrimo, and remained mostly unfinished. i really enjoy the idea of the characters involved, but it's a problem of where to go from there.

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As he did so a sketch of that day so long ago appeared along with a tiny new tear. "i have no idea what the young man's name was, but my father bought this drawing and kept it throughout his life. this is how he wanted to remember you.

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A late Night Dinner

So yeah it's just a short sketch really of a scene of a person going on probably the third date (you know, when yoou can back to their place and not be called a slut despite the fact you've been dying to since the first date?) and whats going on.

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