After Armageddon Chapter 5

I load a shell into the launcher and aim at the tank. the tank stops and the large turret swings to take aim at a random spot in the trench. i fire the shell and it flies towards the tank. an explosion sounds out as the shell finds its mark.


The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 24

Which turned out to be a good idea since the creature began to puff out, as if the flesh the shell was on started bulging.

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Worlds Apart Chapter 2 (Awakened)

Blaze takes aim at a shot gun shell just out side the circle and fires at it the shell and it explodes damaging the circle casing the circle to miss fire and go berserk. the circle made the target temporally paralyzed.

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The trench was damp, and littered with shell casings, and empty ration tins, and as scott splashed into the ankle deep mud, several men looked up at him from dugouts, small rooms carved into the sides of the trench.

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Bio: Orta

She wondered what weapons the suit had and as soon as the word "sword" crossed her mind a black wristblade made from a sharp and extremely hard shell grew from her left hand.

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"and the shells are salted, too ... you, like, suck on the shells, and then crunch them. and then spit out the shells, and you chew on the nuts." "i know how to eat peanuts, field." "yeah, but these are ... you want some?"

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Red Storm Ch. 6

Machine guns could be heard throughout the city, followed by the pounding of artillery shells. yuri's unit was heading out from their rubble camp to give support to another unit, the 31st guard's tank corps.

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Father's Day [Vent]

Woken up, i'm still locked in this shell. frozen soul, frozen down to the core. break the ice, i can't take anymore._ the bat stood there in the in the freezing rain, glowing softly in the darkness.


Kaiju ga Gotoku 5.7 - The Road From Hell

There were starting sputters at the base of his shell, thundering bursts that revved up as he gritted his tusks and balled his fists.

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Chronicles of Silver years

A gentle nudge, and a sharp cracking sound cased the hard shell that was still around me to fall away, as i clumsily landed on something cold and hard, a wetness seeping through my paws.

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The Forever War, Chapter One part iii

The squirrels picked up talking twenty minutes into the bombardment, the collie started crying when the creaking roof was struck by a shell and the room almost fell in, and the skunks chittered away in their own corner.

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Eggceptional Get Aways: Erakir

He had a shell, like a turtle. unlike a turtle though his blue shell had a series of several small spikes sticking out the back of it. then it seemed like he had a short but lizard-like tail, and his feet were similarly scaled and clawed like his hands.

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