Romance vs Porn

The focus of certain details can change a sweet scene into something dirty in a few short sentences.

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Tyler's Pokemon adventure chapter 4

So get creative and start sending me those scene's through pm. oh also there is a max of 1000 words for the scene and a min of 200 ^^

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Thomas Cartoon Series Double-Length Episode #2: The Pirate Adventure Part 1

\*scene cuts to cutaway of rourkie, mary and brock opening a cardboard box.\* rourkie: mates, we've hit the jackpot. \*scene cuts back to the gang.\* mila: eh, probably not.

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The Film

"i bet they miss some of those and we get a scene of them losing morale over that." "andy, just shut up, please?" "aw, you guys are no fun."

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It is also a means for me to improve, and develop, my writing skills and sex scenes (seeing as how i have no real knowledge on the matter save for the yiff scenes i have read myself. so it's a positive thing on many levels.

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Safe For Work

"well, the audience needs something to laugh at, or something to clap for when the scene ends. i haven't exactly made a big huge story for this though. i suppose we just hug it out, and then end the scene from there?"

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WC/LotW Preloage

A warriors curse legend of the wuff preloage cut scene- the scene begins with an old owl mixing potions and whatnot when a fox (my dad) barges in pleading for help.

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Shannon continued..

The data pad scanned the id on the bag, and an image taken from the scene appeared. a disembodied hand and arm, still holding a pistol, lay on the ground.

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Reaching it within minutes, he climbed in and zoomed to the scene. the radio traffic told him hard drive was still at the scene.


The Nex Issue: My Life is Super Issue 5

Don't know how he does it even if he's in on the scene." "perks of standing outside time and space, i guess," peter laughed softly. "he even catered for our wedding. you modelled abigail's wedding scene after that idea, right?" nex nods. "yes.

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Virtually Real Part 0: Introduction

I considered cutting these scenes however, without the scenes to establish the character's growth it makes later events less relevant. i started writing this piece in 2016 as an experiments to explore my feelings and boundaries.

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