A Rough Time

Only problem, that's three years i've been bear him, and he didn't change at all since. so, you two have a problem." _finishing this sentence, i cross my arms while avoiding hos sight.

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TLoS: Challenge of Hearts (Chapter 17)

He had gone over everything that he needed addressing, and sorted out many of his problems, if not by chance. problems still plagued the ice guardians mind, and certain action would be planned by how much flame was getting away with.

Hunting Death- The Draaknei Sunset

"that's not what problem. the problem is they aren't right there," gregory responds, turning around completely and facing back towards the main town. "see anything?" simon asks. "no, nothing looks out of the ordinary."

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Uncertain Chapter 1

problem after problem kept crossing my screen, and it was with great relief when i looked at my phone and saw that it was time for a lunch break. as i was contemplating what to do, an incoming text disrupted my thoughts _wanna walk for lunch?

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Light Bane: Chapter 49

But adeline knew that would not be a problem. for she got more friends to rely on.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 1

She had run from her problems when she was betrothed to mateo, and now she was doing it again, only this was a problem she could never outrun.

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All-Time High S1E8

I understand you have a problem with the way the school is being operated?" stated kevin. "problem would be an understatement......um what's your name?" began kelly's father.

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The Truth

I spend so long trying to fix a problem that cannot be solved by us. we in fact are the problem. all we do is continue to increase the blood in the river. i'm not trying to stop it completely, i just want to make it shallower. what do i achieve?

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System Under Fire Chapter One: Dim Sparks

After the first few problems it all seems to click and i send a silent thanks to yoshino. _your welcome_he says but i barley hear him as i'm full focused on the problems at paw.

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In The Sky With Diamonds - Chapter 1

#1 of in the sky with diamonds they say that the first step is admitting that you have a problem. hell, i have problems. i was diagnosed with depression, i watched my mother die when i was 12, and i don't know who i've become at this point.

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Arise from the pit always questioning always judging always so convincingly strong those same problems grow louder always pressing always coercive always deceiving they grow so loud; they enter into your head always critical always

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