Lament for the Sunset
#6 of poems a poem somewhat based on my little pony fire shimmers on the glass as her hate and desire burns glorious as the sun, dark as the moon the stars are the only witness when her lust for power consumes future days too bright the present
The Imaginary Kingdom (Poem #1)
poem #1 of 20 okay so i'm currently writing a poetry book called "the imaginary poetry collection" inspired by my latest novels rise of the ryzuke and the imaginary kingdom, this is the first poem in this collection.
Son of a Dream
Not that it mattered now; she sighed, licked her dry lips, felt an intense craving for water, just as strong as her lungs craved air; reciting the poem had drawn too much water out of her.
Day To Day
#2 of poems and such another poem by me about day to day turmoil. seven days, another lie breaks me down and makes me cry i'd lie if i said i cared no more, no less.
Shadows - Poem for Shadowshimmer
#4 of free poetry for others this was a poem written for shadowshimmer based on his request on this journal: his request was: "can you write a poem about shadows. freestyle is fine." ask, and you shall receive.
Poem - Renamon
#3 of poems oh dear, it seems i have done it again. 3 poems in under one hour. now,i wont do it a 4th time then, for my brain will be turned into powder. there's a beautiful creature, with eyes of crystal clear blue.
The Rake
poem about... you guessed it... a rake... it was written to win a wager against a former teacher... i had said i could write a poem that was half-decent about anything and he said, 'write one about a rake', so i did...
#2 of poems if you've felt how i felt. if you feel what i feel. you will understand this poem.. i cry my tears. tears of pain. i reach out for help. but all is in vain. yet i still hold hope. flickering as softly as a flame.
Worlds Of Chaos. Poem.
#2 of poems its just a poem. and i hope i can change the world when i grow a little more. a world filled with many greeds and hates. a world filled with many weeds and states. we dont need wars, we dont need boreders.
Poem: Life & Death
#1 of poems by dalkorrd malvolio a poem that i wrote back in my freshman year of high school for english class.
#3 of poems just a little poem i wrote, feeling a little down. the sands of time, the winds of change. carry my wishes, far far away. my dreams, my hopes, lost on the breeze. out of reach, out of sight, cannot be achieved.
poems 2
#2 of weekly poems for you an inspired poem for all the furs out there. if.... if life is short and fleeting, love is immortal. if death is quick and swift, love is the time before. if your hate is forever, your love is forgiving.