He then finds a cute pikachuu tanktop and slides it on happily, he lastley puts on black and yellow striped stockings that go up to his thigh, he slides them over his cute bunny feet.
The Breegull Boat Part 2: The non-garbage barge.
Luck was with her in a minor way, as the crew seemed stocked with nose protectors and occupied with lunch formalities. this granted her a reprieve long enough to scope out a cozy place.
A Pup's Determination
The rest of the neighborhood looked out and about as they took stock of the family that had suddenly been reunited, even though none of them knew how, when or why the others had been apart.
Boud into fact Chapter 2.
It was not only a test of stamina and endurance to ensure the healthiest of stock, it was the perfect way to train the suran servants for their many duties. dragons are patient, human.
Blue Sonnet, part 1
He notes that shes wearing dark stockings and black high-heels. however, she has a red silk scarf around her shoulder- the same color as his shirt. her long back dreadlocks are been pulled into a 'ponytail in the back.
Dragyn Saga part 1
Landed ponderously in a small clearing on the edge of a forest, her first frenzied reaction to the sudden onset of pain had been to fly, fly hard and fast, to somewhere, anywhere that she perceived as safe, now that the first shock was over, she could take stock
Wolf Moon Over South Georgia
Finally i was able to grab onto the barrel of the gun, and with all my force i swung it wide, hitting her across the the flank with the stock.
Journey to another world pt3 ch91
In order for me to work at the game zone, your going to blackmail me into having a few dates with you for a stocking position."
And if you think me mad, feel free to place me in the stocks; i say "a fox, a fox - the kingdom for my fox."
Why Did I Volunteer for This?
He will make me stand stock still for hours. i eat, then work, then eat, then work and then have some free time..... i eat. this seemingly takes no time at all. then more duties must be performed.
Chimera - Chapter 8
A little more, and i'd make a laughing stock of myself in front of him." he thought, disrupted. now it was cyrus' turn to examine the feline, and he was troubled. normal, it's the first time he saw a lion as closely.
Remote Storage (Otherwise Untitled)
Kobold a week earlier having gestured across tables of numbers in varying shades of blue and purple, "though, i think what you're looking for is right here.", pulling out a manifest record, "if these are all legit, there should be a bunch of titanium bar stock