Master Quest 2: Choices

All around them were broken semis, rusted oil drums, and empty metal shipping containers, also rusted. enough time had passed that almost everything they saw was swallowed up in deep sand mounds.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 13-Road Trip

We had also increased exhaust port size and shape added a dry sump oiling system with remote oil coolers to ensure consistent oil flow.

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A Girl, a Carpet, and a Genie - Commission for Tazzmo70

Then her whole body became a red cloud of smoke that was siphoned into the neck of the oil lamp and disappeared with a dramatic _thoop!_ naji came up to rose and laid a hand on what she assumed was her shoulder.

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wander ~ Chapter 18

Tomatillos; four different kinds of cheese, two of which i'd never heard of before; uncooked tortillas, sizzling gently in the pan atop the stove, lightly frying in a very particular type of oil.

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Poem #57: Blackness

Colors the blackness behind shows an open window into his soul for they are one his own self-hatred we now can see this spiral of darkness this spiral of hate and grief force his eyes to plead the cry of help speaks to our hearts let the oils


Easing the Tension

The eel asked, placing his warm, oiled hands on the bull's back and pressed his fingers through the fur. this already felt odd, the eel kneaded the muscles between the bull's shoulder blades, rubbing the burning oil into his skin.

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Bi Pride

Sydney started, "like i said, i like big fucking tits and guys oiling each other up. get plenty of both from wrestling." jenna rolled her eyes. "w-well" tj said, blushing, "i find guys and girls to be handsome.

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Ballade Against Cheesemongery

Prince, you sent me pepper-corned edam with citron-oil essence. remove it please: its power to sour my gut, your soul to damn! i do desire no vanity in cheese.

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A New Life in a New Body: Meeting Zeta Squad v2

Hitting the dirt road and skidding on a long oil slick that had obviously been placed there he growled and pressed a button and i heard the engine roar into overdrive and through sheer rpms it shredded the oil slick off the ground and pushed back down into

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Chapter 9 - This Seems Familiar

The metal wheel and flint ignited the oil, and it burned a little dimmer than usual, but still enough to assure us of our new atmosphere. i choked and coughed after allowing my lungs to be free of its carbon dioxide saturation.

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Me, Myself, And I. My Fursona.

Normal clothing: black tee shirt because they are cheap and hide oil stains. "blue" jeans. simple leather belt. multitool. boots with laces tucked in. other clothing. brown leather pants.

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Poem #29: Truth and Lies

You are so beautiful, with your face of oil and plastic; so kind, not mentioning what you think of that ugly broad; so smart, paying someone else to do your work for you; so cool, with your expensive clothes, house, car, and family; so loving

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