Morning Brew

Tyko suddenly felt his heartbeat hasten at the realization of his proximity to the wolf, the lupine's muzzle being no more than four inches away from his own. seeing the sudden nervousness that overtook the otter, the wolf could only chuckle in response.

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"Daggers of Darkness, Book #4: An Unexpected Discovery", Chapter-10

Facing the rest of their pack, the male great lupin ordered, "follow! we avenge the wronged!"

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Michael's Path Preview

Hybrids--especially avian-wolf hybrids--were often ostracized by the many communities making up the four duchies which survived the collapse of the lupines' empire. here he was looked upon as friend and cohort.

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Beasts of the Ancient World - Chapter 1

The wind tasseled the thick gray fur that occupied the lupine's entire body, his emerald eyes shimmered softly in the torch light that was snapping and cracking as it danced upon the oil soaked staff that the wolf held in his paws.

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Chapter 3 of: Not your Average School Year

"hey man" said jamey getting into the lupines car "hey bro" "so what's the agenda for the night? we still doing dinner and a movie?"

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You Gave Me A Promise

Tifa's face softened as she watched the lupine's shoulder slump down and begin to shake. she wrapped her arms around him and wasn't in the least surprised when he immediately latched onto her and buried his face in her shoulder.

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Death Knell Dreams

The lupine's heart was thumping against his chest, almost painfully, it was just a nightmare...

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Chapter 5: Into the Unknown

The lupine's gaze fell upon the bow draped over her shoulder. "when i asked if you were any good with that thing?" "" "you never showed me." "so you don't trust me?" kieshou pretended to be hurt by his words.

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Echoes Chapter 12

Doctor levin was glad to be back on solid ground, and was looking forward to working with lupin. with luck, he'd be the first human-pelzigan hybrid capable of using guardian like abilities.

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Contact - Part 2

**En: Cht [White Chrysanthemum] ** _by RandomCanis_ **Contact - Part 2** Rough, numb, and harsh on his eyes. The swift fox frowned as he caressed the scar above his left wrist. His arm twitched every time his paw pads traced it. Breathe, hold,...

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The Loraine Files - Washington State #2

**Chapter 2** Something warm spilled onto my muzzle and it felt good. Dimly, I remembered dreaming of pain, drugs, and someone trying to strap me down to a hospital bed last night. What a nightmare that had been. It was just another stress induced...

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Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 6

6. Howling storms dressed my nightmares with sweat inducing fear. Dark water surged around me with a giants tug and by its own volition regurgitated me among the rocks of the Madesto Coast. Cold, dark eyes stared at me from three bodies draped on...

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