Journey to another world ch49
#46 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 19 "what the heck doctor. i thought you said that something like this would never happen to my baby?"
Journey to another world ch48
#45 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 18 in the end, both trainers had paid up with everything that they had on them, but actual money.
Journey to another world ch46
#43 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 16 "well, of course i know that we have been spending quite a bit of time here in this town. but i like it here. why do we have to leave?"
Journey to another world ch44
#41 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 14 ‘i know that jenavee has been trying to get closer to me for a while, but now that we're alone together, i can't help but feel apprehensive or uneasy about this whole thing
Journey to another world ch43
#40 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 13 "here's to kit's first successful battle." i said as i raised my glass of juice towards her which was met by a happy bark by kit.
Journey to another world ch42
#39 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 12 "wait a minute jenavee. don't you think your moving things a little fast." i said as i tried to reason with her.
Journey to another world ch41
#38 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 11 rena fell to one knee and was panting quite heavily. the battle between her and the mightyena had greatly taken it's toll.
Journey to another world ch40
#37 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 10 along the way down the stairs of the center, i came to the conclusion that something needed to be done with these two girls.
Chapter 4: A new journey
Don't forget to check the previous chapters to get character description! Please comment as well. Thank you! \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* \* Right...
Journey to another world ch38
#35 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 8 "damn that must have been on hell of a dream that that kid just had."
Journey to another world ch36
#33 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 6 "well it's about time you showed up." the breeder said as he awaited for me at the entrance to the center tapping his foot in impatience.
Journey to another world ch35
#32 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 5 team galactic. team galactic. that team seemed to be popping up more and more often in my life.