An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 20-Invitation

"screw driving",joe laughed,"i have a private jet, ross and i can take you and your cars to california in one trip!" "you have your own jet?",i asked. "yup",joe answered. "will ya fly us?",i asked.

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Chapter 2: The Fight

Another jet of water shot toward him and that's when he took the opportunity to attack back. he jumped into the air and flew directly at one of their necks and bit as hard as he could.

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Chapter Three: A Painful Memory

A memory, nothing more, and she was instead strapped face down to a row of flight seats on board the stealth transport jet that the team had used to escape the bombing of the resistance. "jade?" a voice said, "jade, can you hear me?"

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A Dragon's Tale-Chapter 12-Going In Hot

The gunfire stopped as the men walked in,dressed from head to toe in jet black equipment. "finally,a man who i assumed was in charge said,you belong to me."

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Changes in life; Chapter 9

Persephone shouted, forming a massive ball of metal, with spikes jetting from all sides. persephone threw the ball at ares, who couldn't pull away fast enough... the ball struck him square in the chest.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 24-Qualifying

There were two loud pops and a jet like sound as joe downshifted back to second through the second turn and then another whirring, jet like sound as the twin supercharged diesel engine gained throttle and pushed the car forward.

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Message in a Vacuum Bottle

Message in a vacuum bottle by kathmandu the lear 87 hover-jet shuddered slightly as it's engines made the rotation to hover mode.

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Eternal Waltz: Chapter 3

Looking down we see that the same thing was going on with his jet black uniform dress pants, more silver stitching was present.

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Yukon Do It

Her and vito run along the shore until they see eight jet skis floating along the riverbank. she sees a u-turn station and feels a small sense of pride, knowing that nothing can make them repeat the task now.

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Flight of the Fallen Angel

Bravely he struggled to open his eyes and won just as the whine of the jet engines began. sar was a little taken aback at what he saw.

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University Story - Chapter 7

jet asked. "he looked hurt to me..." syd said quietly, and they all exchanged looks.

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Memories of Lightwave

It had olive skin and black hair, and curled up pitifully on the wet tiles as jets of water ran down its body. **_"... i don't want this anymore..."_** the voice whispered, the voice echoing through my head as i watched. **_"i keep trying...
