Love is False Hope

To some love is blind to most affection is fine but to me love is false, being is a lost hope and hope is affection in a loveless life what is there to hold where does a husk go to find hope, where does an empty existence go

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Alex and I drove throughout Arizona looking for that black SUV but it was nowhere to be seen, Alex had that old GTO screaming and gasping for air as we flew down the road faster and faster he shifted her gently into fourth gear and further down the...

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losing hope ch16.

#14 of losing hope alex grabs me by the throat "where are you going?," alex asks "to find the canler" conner says "california," alex says "wha?," " california," thankyou now put the mask back on..."

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An Introduction to Hope and Despair

#1 of veritas veritas an introduction to hope and despair first entry november 11 1763 as i write this journal in the hopes that someday someone may stumble across my remains and find it for it has become apparent to me that i shall never leave

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Epilogue – Remnants of Hope

Until then, hope to see you all again when the new series comes out.

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Hope; Belief. (Prologue)

hoping that something out there would save me. hoping that something within me would push me on. that hope came through when i met my mate, and soon, i am to be mother to his young.

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STI- A Dangerous Hope

She felt it, the desire to hope, to latch onto a stranger's promise, and she brushed it aside with a flick of her tail. as if she could sweep the idea away. "rest now." she dashed through the door, closing it before he could speak again.

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Evanescent Laws and Norms

He noted that inspiration causes hope. hope causes one to fly. flying would be cool, but they'd fall either way. the cub did not like that. he wanted to find a way to do things with out getting him - or anyone for this matter - hurt.

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He'd have some hope as the time passed, that there would soon be less risk for him, and when he heard her voice again, his eyes opened.

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From an overdose when your eyes close, a sudden heart attack; a crash on the highway, all we do is sleep soundly, and hope it goes "my way." yeah; that's our tomorrow, either joy or for sorrow.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 32: Revive

If care given and love shared could make me feel 'healed', maybe there was hope for a fur's survival. there could be hope of our survival. those moments were so warm in the cool bathroom.

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I didn't know how to reach.. I didn't know how to tell you.. I didn't know it would hurt this much. But what I did know, Were the tears on my pillow. I didn't know you would leave me.. I didn't know I became another face.. I didn't know we...

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