Digimon masters Ch.4 teaming up with tony and everything goes wrong.
It took some hours and by than dorumon been acting like a jerk to gabumon talking about how fat he is and if he push him down the hill he'll just keep on bouncing down the hill and i have to keep trying to stop gabumon from shooting a attack at him when we
The Map To Everything: Chapter 1
The sniper on the hill nearly a hundred meters away knew this. the sniper was named david waters, though, everyone knew him as the sandman. he was a hawk. defeathered through torture, he was flightless. he was thirsty.
A Hero of War
The hills around us seemed to spring alive as soldiers took up positions around the tops of the hills. already two soldiers went down, raising my gun and firing at the same time i managed to get two coming down the hill.
Starfire the Lone Courier The Fort!! Part 2
Starfire reaches the top of the hill as he then sees the tall blue primary school \*hopping hill primary school\* thought starfire as he then slowly approaches the front doors, he slowly opens the doors as they creak open, he draws his sheathed .44 magnum
The beginning of the end
Up the hill towards him, late but so fashionably...yes fashionably late the only lateness where it's amazing to be.
Miharra's Battle
Over a small hill from the west came the sound of marching feet of numbers great enough to make the ground tremble, a small group cresting the hill to cast their gazes over this field of death.
Hopes Requiem
I was sitting atop a hill at the end of my neighborhood. the hill itself has a tree nursery on one end and a large forest on the other. i myself was sitting on the wood planks surrounding the nursery looking up at the sky.
How the Coonyx came to be - short story
He screamed to elixer, she nodded and bounded down the hill. ayasha shook and shivered "why didn't you go with lovile?" she started sobbing into the dirt, overcome by fear and pain.
Cherubi's Story - Chapter One
I knew i had gone down a hill at some point, because i had tripped and rolled down it, landing painfully on a side that still hurt, but i wasn't sure if it had been this hill or not.
Hot Shot
Keeping close to the ground, sharp crept to the edge of his cover to look at the scattered trees near the top of the hill. half a dozen tall pines, trunks thick but without branches until six feet or higher, towered on top of the hill.
Toni's Diary Entry #6 - Peanut Butter Theater
Named so because that hill was inclined at fucking 50 degrees, no bullshit. trying to climb up that hill was like carrying a bag of bricks up a dozen sets of stairs.
Wolfen - Chapter 24
"when you saw this, you instantly yelled out and ran blindly down the hill at him. that, of course, drew his attention to us. our mother ran after to get you, but it was too late. you were halfway down the hill and erebos was coming our way.