William Grand Schmit

#5 of tsociety profile database profile: william grand schmit skillset: phishing, virus and malware coding, stock trading, simple social engineering age: 32 height: 5 11" gender: m sextuality: hetero species: tabby cat danger level: 5, is able to effectively


Jake Montgomery Mafoy

#4 of tsociety profile database profile: jake montgomery mafoy skillset: aws and linux server management, simple social engineering, wifi hacking, forenstics, basketball age: 15 height: 6 gender: m sextuality: hetero species:


Kit Jenifer Schmit

Tsociety profile database profile: kit jennifer schmit skillset: ballet, knife combat, cryptography, algebra, forenstics, jujitsu, metasploit framework use, bluetooth hacking, chemistry, parkour, simple social engineering age: 14 height: 4 10" gender


Character 3 (kiyoshi)

Name: kiyoshi species: two tailed fox age: 19 (1991) gender: male appearance: [http://www.sofurry.com/page/235827/user](http://www.sofurry.com/page/235827/user) he is very smart, strong in body and mind, contemplative , very gentle but also stern when

Aron Gelder Smith

#3 of tsociety profile database profile: aron gelder smith skillset: soccer, swimming, marketing strategies, biology, karate, kick boxing, math, first aid training age: 15 height: 5 3" gender: m sextuality: gay species: fox/wolf hybrid


Raiden's CS template

Rhyne hentzel's skeletalized character sheet template name: nickname: age: gender: height: species: summary description: personality: likes/dislikes: bio: family: body: type: hair color: eyes: fur/scales: setting: wardrobe

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[Character Profile] Byaku-ou

»birthdate: october 1st »gender type: intersex »nickname(s): bya, fuu »orientation: dominant (top) »occupation: keeper of the western throne ============================== **¤personality¤** ============================== »outlook: ?

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Trent diolang Schmit

Sms spoofing, malware coding, wifi hacking, calligraphy, electrical engineering, data science, close quarter combat, info gathering, cryptography, mediocre social engineering, remote access tool use, psychology, logical thinking age: 15 height: 5 feet gender


Niko Collins

Name: niko collins age: 21 gender: male species: fox bio: wishes to find out as all he knows is that he was responsible for the mass genocide of his home village. he discovered that he has control of many elements.


Christopher Cailin Biton

Birthyear: 2005 height: 5 feet gender: m sextuality: gay species: brown laborador danger level: 11, is able to easily pickpocket someone and replace their electronics with spyware installed, ability to use zero day exploits in malware and knowledge of


Figuring Things Out--An Introduction

He doesn't care what gender i am, for which i am so thankful. he just cares that i am the thoughtful, upstanding citizen he taught me to be in life. i don't think anybody like myself is really so lucky to have parents like that.

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Legecia Chat

Personally, i welcome kastra as a part of team starlight, and hope they pick a gender soon. i know siri gave them a herm lugia body as a default, and i have yet to see them leave that gender... but i can't say for sure.