Night is the Time for Killing

_this must be one of the charity operations that made gill so popular_. the doors closed behind the porter with a soft _whoosh_, and i was left in the waiting room with an old man in a hospital gown, who read an issue of time magazine upside down.

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Cleaning Up

charity was a way to get out of taxes, philanthropy something you did when you had _literally_ too much money to do anything else. i hated it." he bit off the rest of the rant; who knew if mr. masters was a stockbroker or something?

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A Tangled Ball of Yarn – Ep5

." -------------------------------- so this is where we end up... a young couple gushing over planning a wedding and sarah and i dancing at the charity ball hosted by the father of the bride-to-be. did i mention that it was all about to go to hell?

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The Road Of Life - Chapter 4

Money was something i had great need for, so that i could take care of myself and stop living off of other people's charity. the rest of the session went by quickly and before i left, mrs.

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The Art of Revolution; Section 1, Chapter 1

If i couldn't take care of myself by now then i would be dead, and since i'm not, i think it's safe to say i don''t need charity or even sympathy."

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It certainly looks like 'mrs charity buying the tramp a, drink'. certainly felt like that inside. smiles as they see her, grimaces when they see me. i'm used to it. some have called security before now.

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Presto - Chapter 12

Summer came and went, and with it another successful and unbelievably enjoyable and fulfilling fpla charity event. they had raised more money, and had more guests than any previous year.

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 7)

"oh," varg said sarcastically, "you were one of those 'noble bandits,' with all their charity and good will."

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 4)

At first, abbot henry and the monks were grateful that count oxfold was helping to share the burden of charity. until, that is, rumours started to spread that only pure breeds were being helped.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 140

There's no charity case too big or too small for this vixen!_ _shut up._ _because the more miserable you are, the merrier she'll be!

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MLP hoarding is magic by rosedust

It was put in the charity shop bin, the bits boxes had gone too, and the dresses were put away in bags with labels on them.

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Gnoll Brigand: The Adventure (Prologue I)

._ _there are others, but the rest consist of weaklings, charity work, things that are not appealing, are run by people who have a "kill gnolls on sight" policy, or any combination of the four._ talents as a young gnoll, you have few skills beyond your

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