Chapter Eleven: Betrayal
He hauled on the tiller and the boat lurched to the side, the grind of wood against wood as the two boats collided, throwing the gasaran archers off balance.
Forge of Heroes - Noble Sacrifices
She'd seen the bow and the archer wielding it. niwa, one of the best falskin archers who ever lived. she'd seen the arrow impact. she'd watched the point of that deadly weapon emerge from the assassin's back.
Legends of Mundus Ch 8-9
The lotori were known for their stealth which is why they manage to avoid the nulok for this long, they were also skilled archers because they preferred far ranged combat.
Furry war extract
He had called his archers back, but the human lords did not care so long as they broke his line. on the ridge behind him, the diamond guard awaited his command, cenatur's stamping impatiently.
Demon Blood: The Half Demon And The Sword Of Light
Who soon runs into a small, light silver dragoness named silphira, and then ends up running into a group of travelers consisting of a blind mage named nolen, a archer by the name of allen, and a assassin named alex.
The Outlander 3 34
Five score of liberated slaves, lesser samurai, otters, guosim shrews and archers. some squads of troops carried the barricade emplacements while others doused the bundles of wood shavings with oil.
The King's Company: Chapter Three: Ambush, and the Flaming Falconer
Tobi moved both his hands in a quick series of gestures, before thrusting his hands in front of him as a column of flame fired out towards the two archers near rengar.
The Book of Warlock 8. Lessons in magic.
The archers raised their bows again, impatiently. "oh, blimmin' heck," brook flapped her hands at them to simmer down, "look, we're just passing through, ok? our fight isn't with you. whoever you are."
A Forge of Heroes - Plans and Punishment
"he took an arrow from an archer, trying to rescue aryn and i from drysenn," myra said sadly, looking at her brother, who'd said very little since being enslaved. "if it hadn't been for that archer, kar'na would probably still be alive."
Infamy - Prologue
"meh...i'll stick with my archer". brett's character was a venomancer, a half fox half human hybrid. only the fox ears and fox tail resembled any hint of beast within the venomancer class.
Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 2
There weren't any archers in the towers and no lookouts patrolling the walkways. that could only mean they were busy elsewhere, or... banno suddenly dropped the stag, no doubt noticing the same thing.
An epic battle pursues
Jade leaped from the couch, archer had just called dinner, tails followed him. "i was gonna win." he said. "no," jade replied firmly, "no one's ever beat my cat form!!"