Isamu seemed to be the type of jinrou that time forgot, a werewolf that might have belonged in ancient times at nyctimus' side, victim to the curse far more than his present day kind... and yet this wolf boy was only fifteen years old.
Action, Character Development, Drama, Emotion, Female, Japan, Japanese, Lycanthrope, Lykos, Male, Mother, Senpai, Son, Teen, Teenager, Transformation, Werewolf, Wolf, coming of age, tf
The steady hand of the lodestone sovereign had charted the course that brought us to the present day, and the color that stretched aernian influence far off to the southern jungles.
when the door opened at last, i was joined by half a dozen men.
Border Collie, Character Development, Doe, Fantasy, Lioness, Novel, Plot Development, Steam Punk, Wolf
present day...
espeon's pov
i tilted my head. "umbreon?" "oh finally you snapped out of it," he shouted. "snapped out of what," i asked. suddenly a zeraora stood between us giving a low growl "what in arceus' name is going on here," he growled.
Dissorders, Fantasy violence, Pokemon, Some gorish themes
a small dive boat bobbed on the calm ocean like a piece of wood in a pond.