Somewhere Out There Act 14 - Here Without You
"it seems to be slowly letting me use them younger and younger." "just takes a very very long time to make a difference. and with every death sending you back about a week..."
Backstory: moon jang van was born to xi van and june van in a small chinese/korean village in china, on december 12th 1997 as their eldest child when his younger siblings chang and choul van were born two years later as his twin younger siblings.
Revolution | Chapter X: Dreams Into Nightmares
When i looked again, all three images had disappeared but left a younger version of me looking straight at me. he and i wore the same clothes but he looked so much younger and more innocent.
The Pack ( all characters)
She is the younger sister of the three, and loves her friends dearly. seraco has a very rare type of wolf. his fur and eyes changes color with his emotion's. he has a base color which is a crimson blue and white under belly.
Song of the Summer King: Chapter 1
Shard forced his own feathers to stay smooth, calm, but saw the younger gryfon ahead of him step back, half-cowering. the king lowered his head, eyes blazing gold.
For Every Door that Closes -- Six
But she also looked like she was planning on being patient and letting the younger female wear herself out before responding.
RoR: Prologue
Our legs and arms for example were able to take more strain at a younger age, so we took advantage of that.
Neroindra -- Prologue
Azraelis often picked on and chased his younger, pink brother colsen. though the often rough housing pink pair tore about the house, there was a third, adorned with a precious coat of bronze fur, tavarius.
Black Knights: prologue
He rubbed the younger fox's white tummy, licking the back of his neck and pressing his erection into him.
Magnus Chronicles: Ancients Awakening: Prologue
Knuvos said, "we have to see if father is alright" archano helped knuvos to his feet, all the while his younger brother winced in pain. "father is over there."
The Dreadwyrm's Weakness
He knew with the right application of healing magic he could make people younger. but this had never happened before! it had to be a side effect of them being part dragon.
Anyone Can Be a Little Kitten
Or it might maybe them even younger, but just not by as extreme a jump. not that there was a lot of room to get younger at this point. they only had a few months and some change on them.