The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 17

Was this still warfang? or he died and got shoved into the dark realms? "who is there knocking at your door brother?

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Aether Rising

We ran until we reached a clearing and took flight from there, turning to warfang. we had to warn them, but i feared we may already have been too late.


Chapter 20

The city's walls were three times what warfang had, the city living right up to it's nick name....the city of giants. landing on the entrance platform the brothers look about seeing the hustle and bustle of the city.

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Chapter 23: The Betrayal

A few more figures entered, those black clad soldiers from before warfang and from the mandobar pass. they pointed their weapons at krypto and blasted him into the wall. he hollered aloud as he hit the wall and slumped to the floor.

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A redemption of the soul Chapter 6

. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* spyro was exploring the town, it was nothing compared to warfang, but it had everything you needed.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 7

Come flare, i must return home, i'll dry off on the way to warfang" \* "priestess, finally!"

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more thing to worry about

When the pillars met where the spirit was there was an ear-splitting scream the was heard at the temple and warfang (what's left of it) and a massive beam of light. i collapsed screaming. "are you o.k.?" asked spyro "yeah i'm o.k....

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Cynders abilities

Peering over the edge of the wall he was standing on, the grublin had a view of the entire valley of avalar, warfang, and beyond. however, two figures, flying below, caught his attention.

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The Elemental Blade: Chapter 5

**chapter 5** an hour has passed since they left for warfang. spyro and cynder talked to each other, occasionally asking link questions.

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Lost and... Alone? Chapter 1 and 2

If she could reach the coast, she could follow it until she found the great dam, or what was left of it, and from there, warfang would be easy to find.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 1

Horrible they were, these monsters, very much like the grumblings and orcs that had attacked warfang. several golems also stood out amidst the battle.

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Chapter 18: Failed Attempt

The night sky was beginning to claim the landscape and the fires from warfang lit up the sky with their embers and sparks.

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