Roommates: Chapter 1: Let The Games Begin

"who said i was going to upload it. i'm going to keep it for myself. only rare few been uploaded," yasmin said, smirking with a matter of fact tone. "think about it, out of all the embarrassing pics you seen uploaded of yourself.

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the king of insanity

I will upload my art soon, but will take awhile to put fury ones up. sorry for the delay. i will post poems, and quotes. but the art will have to wait a little bit.

about the wolf story

I will upload the story when i have gotten it better. i didn't like how it was for one and it wasn't long enough either so don't worry about the story. it isn't gone for good.



Just incase anyone is following me, i wont be uploading stories here anymore, not sure what im going to do just yet as i have not written in a wile now. but i do hope to continue. feel free to email me if you guys have any questions.



If you're looking at this upload, please ignore it. i'm just trying to check if i still have the 502 bad gateway. sorry for the unnecessary spam i've been causing. i'm testing to see if the 502 gateway shows up when you click on my stories.

Brevity of Fire

#10 of poetry uploading old poems. please provide feedback, as i hope to continue editing and making these acceptable for publication. what burned with passion's flare has fallen to despair.


To all who read my stories

The velvet room is still in development though i've already completed chapter 2 and most of the way done with chapter 3 i cannot upload till i get some minor details sorted out between me and a few friends both on this sight and friends from school.


Char idea

Edit: well, since its not the same char anymore cause of edits, its fine now. x3 but still gonna put it here for reference just uploading it here so i won't have to worry about copyright issues. char © me.

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Hand of Guidence

#1 of hand poems this is the first of two "hand" poems and the first of much of my poetry which i plan to begin uploading to sf over time.

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old sadness song

Sorry it took me so long to upload something all this happyness don't come easy for this poor husky boo hoo pity me used to be me never again that is all old sadness i'm staying on the road of sunlight and rainbows i will be happy where ever i go never again


#11 of silver lining (archival version) important update: i've finally begun the process of ground-up rewriting silver lining, a task to be ongoing with uploads on a bi-weekly basis and continuing into new story at that rate when the rewrite

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So the next chapter, chapter 4, which should be out by now, will be uploaded in the next 2 days (currenly writting it). just felt like letting you guys know why the time gap between the stories. i´ll try to keep them 3-4 days apart right when 2016 begins!

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