Cerise Saltfoam - Clean Biography

Appearance: cerise's fur is a rich blond colour, paling to a light tan on her wrists and ankles, darkening towards the webbed fingers and toes.

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An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 13-Road Trip

It was a bright blue with a tan interior and sliver trim. yesterday,we had gotten it ready for the long trip that was about to be thrown at it.

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Dangerous Play - Chapter One: Abandon the Game

Responded the layne boy, a lanky ferret with dark tan fur and splotches of lighter colors in no particular pattern around his head and face.

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New Beginning: And You Thought You Started Out On the Wrong Foot

Although my face was still human in shape, the fur across my cheeks was bright yellow, and everywhere else was a dark tan. it was also dark tan around my neck, except for the part right underneath my chin, where it had grown white.

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Ep13-Backtracking part two-The Tamers of shadow

Name: charlie anderson age: 15 height: 6ft appearance: skinny tan colored green eyed cougar personality: chill level headed and rather introverted shadow tamer appearance: wears a grass ranger like outfit and uses grass whips to fight with after some convincing

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Silhouette of a Dream Chapter I

It was a few minutes before the dark brown water became light brown, and a few minutes more before it became tan. finally, the water turned clear and cold as ice.

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Indomitable Book 1: Warm Welcome-Seventh of Revival

Body covered in tan fur mottled with black spots. she also wears fangs similar to king's. second female stands slightly shorter than the first, but has immense size rivaling the triclops.

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Hoosier Tomatoes

Honey-tan mouse and pink-furred bat. husband and wife. together. sitting, talking quietly (as intimate creatures did), holding sturdy, white mugs of creamy-red, stove-hot tomato soup.

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 92: One Act Of Betrayal Saves Us All

The dark tan lioness said grinning quite broadly. we soon returned to the holding house where the five had finished interrogating our prisoners. we found tippi, sandu and haem lying on the floor.

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You Can't Hide It Forever - Part I

Those ugly tan walls never looked so inviting. i let my arms fall. i looked up to the ceiling, trying to keep myself together. it had been years since i have had an episode like this.

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Shadow Of Chernobyl-Cahpter 4-Flashback

The plate carrier that guarded his torso was desert tan,with several large lmg ammo pouches accompanied by a few frags and several small pistol pouches. he had a tan scarf wrapped around his head and a pair of blue sunglasses over his eyes.

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When in Doubt

The light tan raptor snarled. "and without leaf-eaters we would die! if we kill every leaf-eater we come across, what does that leave us to eat? each other?" "man, that is gross!" a female sickleclaw grimaced.

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