Episode 1: Flight of the Raptor
repairs to the starbase have been sped up by the repair crews of the monitor and neosho, as neither vessel was damaged in the skirmish.
Winds of Fate: Homecoming
It then hits her that something isn't right, something that is far familiar to her and decides while giving the order to have the ship repaired, she will go on shore, alone.
An Eventful Trip
Sirblood repaired its mind to find out that the beautiful beast in front of him had come from the ice age that ended the dinosaurs.
Two Worlds Collide - Chapter 7 – Remembering the Past and Cursing the Future
The damage had been repaired, the window replaced and all the contents of the upholstery and drawers replaced and repaired from the search that had evidently gone on there.
Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 18
Owen sighed under his breath as the giant portal of repair bay one irised open.
Ch1: Landing Hard
There's no way i can allow such a damaged vessel to depart without a thorough inspection and certified repair." "certified repair?!"
Too Unlucky To Be Lucky (1)
"forgive me sir but the modern speeders of today rarely just up and die as you so eloquently put it, and even if it has broken down i'm sure we can get it repaired" at this i speak up.
Spirit Bound: Chapter 123
These doors had quite a few chains, with noticeable signs of repair, but nowhere near the amount found on li's or lowell's doors.
Wolfie Steel: Birth Rights part 1.
Julius now gently lifted kera's body from the floor and headed from the cave towards his own to hopefully repair kera's injuries and help look after two very frightened pups.
New Beginning
I came back home from vacation to find my internet down and had to wait another week to get that repaired. the good news is now that my internet is repaired and speedy fast :d. well that is about it, hope you enjoy the story!
A Trip to Extinction
The razed wall had been left untouched, the citizens of the society tucked away deep into the mountains minding their own, knowing it was most likely a lost cause to even try and repair it.
File #8
Commander shon tempest felt surprisingly helpless as he directed efforts to repair the dying ship.