The Freehorn's Scars - Chapter 5
It was little wonder why his species had populated everything from the snowhoof plateau to the north to the humid coast along the rhavik jungle and beyond.
Fugitive's Trust Chapter 4 Part 2 of 2
Without the book bags, they could have probably made it twice as far, but the extra weight bogged them and when they got to a large plateau about halfway down the mountain, they both stopped and rested.
When Night and Day first met
He quickly regained composure, and landed with a fell swoop against a rocky plateau, overlooking the forest. she was still in the sky, but she seemed hurt. the lightning had struck her. he suddenly realized who she was. how could he not?
A Long, Dark Road (Part 9)
The throne sat atop a low plateau, clearly formed from different material than the rest of the fortress.
Blooming Tides - Prologue: A Fragile Dream
As he led the way to the lightly-trodden path into the jungle to the right of the chief's home, he glanced up at the plateau again. this time, the curtain swung aside as the girl darted out.
Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part Two - “Talvali”, Chapter Twelve: Fragments and Perspectives
Coming out onto the plateau's top, they were immediately accosted by a vast menagerie of shopkeepers hawking merchandise out of their tents and lean-tos. rith found their offerings strange and enticing.
Aaru - Chapter 29 (The Trial of the Hunted)
We stepped through the mirror and emerged atop a tall plateau. before us stood a tower of brilliant white stone, stretching high into the sky. all around the plateau, was a dense forest.
Landing on the Old: Galactic Conflict, Chapter 4
"now," she switched the map over to their surroundings, "this here is the shortest path," she said, pointing at a sheer rock face that led up to a plateau.
The enemy of my enemy...
It was a grass field, a relatively flat plateau among the hills. it would seem this naga was an honorable opponent indeed. the naga went to one side and harrar to the other. facing each other, they both just glared menacingly.
Ice Gambled
Regina is the provincial capital of saskatchewan, a region covered by grasslands and the canadian shield plateau. the city itself is home to many art galleries but also kicks back a little with its few concert halls.
The Valley of Echoes
Around a bend, she came to a plateau, and below it; the revelation she had sought for months. she had arrived. somehow, she had expected a miraculous sight, flying dragons soaring the skies.
A Dragon's Greatest Treasure
Zeelo could see a plateau near the top of the vegetation... using the roots as hand holds it might even be possible to climb to it... though it wouldn't be easy. "i hate the sunk cost fallacy..."