The Tower

Mingling with the flies that plagued the body. the man who taught him how to respect the gods. taught him how to pray to the nine. directed the justice of the father upon his flesh with the end of his mace. to beg for mercy from the mother.

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Children of a Mad God

The weaving plague of corruption spreads, a symbiotic plague grips the war host.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 43

When did this plague burrow its way into your heart and soul?"

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Chapter One: The Adoption Agency

_flippy an american hero of the vietnam war plagued with a dark second side that thirsts for blood that is kept in check with medication found himself returning home to happy tree town, back in his home of the united states, upon returning however he went

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greedy snivy and disaster bringer absol

When the snivy was asleep as a baby he was plagued by nightmares. then one night their was an especially cruel nightmare. the snivy was dreaming that on the first day of school he had been knocked on his ads by a charmander."

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Writing Assignment: After waking up from a Dream

I cried and cried and the thought kept plaguing my mind.> i had no you.> i had no one. no one to love. no one to fill the void in my damaged heart. i was fantasizing.> i was alone and all was just a dream.

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Guardians of Gaea's world: Magic & technology

Following the spanish flu, which turned out to be an evil plague summoned by the mythicals to pave the way for their return, biological warfare is also banned.

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Dark Moonlight - 1 {WIP}

I'd tell them the truth, but to my surprise, they don't run away screaming like i was the plague, instead, they would stay and ask me questions about my powers or just me in general. one person had even easier me if was registered in the arcane society.

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Introduction: Abandoned

Deception and hatred plagued his mind, leaving him curled up to wither and question. "why...?" he mumbled to himself. tears streaming down the wolf's face, masqueraded by the heavy downfall of the sobbing sky. "what went wrong...?

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To Court the Fèidh - Prequel - Order of the Hart -

They will capture, torture and execute these 'beasts' even going so far as to make a sport out of it, as they view them as godless, soulless 'beasts', that are a plague against humankind.

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Shadows Returning: Preface (Reboot!)

Throughout his youth he was plagued by rage and pain, which preserved themselves in form of a powerful demon which came to be named "nivek". nivek would gain control of the body in times of extreme stress or weakness.

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The emperor's choice

It was in that ancient time that was witnessed the rise of a mighty empire; an empire ruled by a dragon sent by the gods themselves to the mortal realm with the mission to end the chaos that plagued the land.

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