This introductory campaign is heavily dependent on a descriptive narrator. if you want something more focused, i suggest jotting down your own ideas in a four-part structure: action scene, drama scene, safety scene, "next time" hook.



A tail of three warrior told by the wise narrator in the distant apocalyptic future.

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Incalculable Vastness.

This is less a straight story than it is a narrative thought, take it for what you will- it's an expression. have you ever been so lost or focused in thought that you became separate from your limbs? it's neat, isn't it?


Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 5.5

\>\>\>narrator: bayne and his flunkies retreat from the wood and end up in a small little town called cyan. it seems to be a small town, that's even smaller than pallet.

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I Met a Modhuman Once

This is just me presenting some ideas for a character in a formal narrative, as opposed to random notes. might interest some people, i dunno.

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Dae's Fursona Introduction

He thinks he's sneaky, but his idea of sneaking around is clumsily stumbling about while narrating his every move. he is different from most cats, as he likes water, especially the warm kind.

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Creepypasta: Solitary Pocket Shelba

"twitter has become a biased political propaganda machine and will not hesitate to shadow ban those who don't follow the narrative of the left. be on the lookout." this made my skin hotter than a two-dollar pistol.

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Serval and Sheep Prologue: Exhibition Match

The narrator exclaims, "kenneth didn't stand a chance against that lock! a clean bump to decidedly end the match! it's as the old saying goes 'it's not the size of the horns that counts, it's what you do with them'!"

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The Serpent Curse - Prologue

Prologue tales ghost across the screen, the stories throughout the ages, getting older and older, narrators of all cultures telling tales of the dark deeds of snakes. finally, we rest upon a hebrew old testament scroll.

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The Trials: Sub Zero (Part 2 of 3)

I've switched narratives, realizing that the journal one was very stupid. the cold snowy air chills a figure trudging through the freshly fallen snow.

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Woodlyn (Beck 7)

Hoover narrating: rose reaches out her hand and i turn into a man wearing a robe and touch her hand. rose: thanks again. you 2 try not to make anything happen to my grandson. theo: grandfather, that's what i've been all this time. i give up.

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Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 27 - Altala - The City at Night

The narrator, who was a machamp shouted using the maximum volume he could achieve. kyurex could see that in center stood two pokemon, a poliwhirl and a sandslash to be more precise.

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