As the fighters help each other up and shake hands, tensions finally begin to melt away into the intoxicating mood you can only experience after a good sporting event. not that i care for ram fighting.
Angst, Drama, Mystery, Pigeon, Romance, Serval, Sheep, Suspense, Teen Romance, Thriller, Tiger, Tigress, caracal
Vix was surprised for only a moment before she melted into the kiss, but it broke all too soon for the fire-type.
Death, Fenniken, Flabebe, Fletchling, Gore, Honedge, Malamar, Pokemon, Suicide, Umbreon, Violence
I thought to myself '_well, this does qualify as a special occasion_' i mused, letting the flavours melt into my tongue, while letting the sight of taylor melt into my mind. as we ate, i took the time to study his features much more closely.
Depression, M/M, Plot Development, Romance, Wolf
They landed in the bubbling mess of blood and gore and quickly disappeared, melting away to nothing.
just as banno was doing.
ander stepped back, feeling like he was about to throw up.
Ander, Anthro, Clean, Fox, Novel, Story, Wolf
They landed in the bubbling mess of blood and gore and quickly disappeared, melting away to nothing.
just as banno was doing.
ander stepped back, feeling like he was about to throw up.
Ander, Clean, Fox, Novel, Serial, Story, Wolf