Unknown Side

General Chomper came to a stop, and fell to his knees. He had been chasing Gorjak for what seemed like hours now. It was clear that there was no way he'd be able to catch up with him. Gorjak was a flyer, and he was not. The second spy was already...

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Dinosaurs and the Snake

The sun was shining high in the Great Valley. The day was beautiful and was not the sigh of a single cloud in the cobalt colored sky. It was a more than perfect day for playing around and, more important, exploring. This was what two young dinosaurs...

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Alvin and the land of giants part 6

After a while the others got to nicks house and went inside and put there stuff on the floor. then they went to the living room and saw nick sitting on the couch. Dale:we're here sweetie. Jeff:and we brought our stuff Max:i see that the house looks...

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alvin and the land of giants part 1

Alvin:so what did you do after you crash landed on this island sir.

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Death In The Holy Land: Pt. 3

The three surviving snipers ran down the trench and were about to enter the guard house when an american grenade landed besides them.

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Death In The Holy Land: Pt. 2

Kovak watched with grim satisfaction as the red dot in the center of his scope locked on to the Lebanese soldiers' chest. The Tavor assault rifle was light and although the scope offered a slightly limited view of the battlefield , Kovak liked the...

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The New Alveri Chronicles: In the Land of Nod

In the country of Nod, it was a time of peace, growth and prosperity. For nearly 10,000 years, the Holy Riders of Nod have held the peace to the best of their ability. A fearsome union between two castes, once bitter enemies, the Holy Riders were a...

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To The Dragon Lands, Maybe: Part 4

Calex dove and flew below the arena instead of landing on it. "uhhh calex?" deven landed inside the white circle atop the arena. he wasn't sure what his faerie friend was currently doing. "calex?" he tried louder when there was still no respond.

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Land of Death: Lotus Flower: Prologue

# land of death: the lotus flower my name is alexander petroske, formor russian sniper. i was but nine when we burned our world, turning cities and their inhabitants to dust.

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Alvin and the land of giants part 9

The next mourning came and everyone started to wake up and yawn. then they stretched out and sat down. Nick:mourning everyone. Others:mourning nick. Nick:what a great time we had last night huh. Dale:yeah sweetie. we had the best pizza party...

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Alvin and the land of giants part 7

An hour passed and then the doorbell rang. then nick got up and went to the door and opened it. it was the pizza delivery guy and he had the pizzas and drinks in his arms. Delivery guy:hey there. Nick:hello. hold on i'll get the money. Nick then...

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To The Dragon Lands! Maybe! Chapter 3

#24 of age regression patreon reward for deven_drake the adventures of the toddler dragon and faerie continue, as they reach another new world that is still not the dragon lands.

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