Same old tricks, older audience
Brian is sure to find out some of his classmates know some rather intimate details about the golden retriever." the professor blushed softly as he had said too much. jake froze " my sleep?
A Night At The Movies
To notice that amy had closed the bedroom door, a few moments had passed before amy had returned to her room, she opened the door, mike had looked in the doorway and his jaw dropped, amy was standing there stark naked exept for a towel covering her most intimate
Shadow Beast Rewritten
This, however, is not to say they cannot hold intimate relations when they wish to. just because they cannot produce offspring doesn't mean they can't enjoy the acts that make them.
I was Never Gay Part 1
It could be considered something less than an intimate moment. maybe i did miss that. honestly, it wasn't until the day my daughter brought him home that i realized something was wrong.
The Pass
"there's somebody who is truly and intimately concerned about you." "my father walked out on me. my mother's a drunk and i'm an only child. i get beaten up every day in school. and i have no friends at all and..."
Scolding Stone
Aurum's face began to flush slightly as he snarled at the mockingly intimate gesture. "you need to treat your pets better darling. you won't get anywhere by giving them false promises."
Group Therapy (Pilot Part)
#1 of group therapy bit intimated by all these tags. lot o' weird stuff goes on on here, but here's a first part of hopefully many of an actual story story if anyone's interested. let me know if i should write some more tonight.
Murciél's Madrigal
It feels like he's intimately whispering the words to you, cooing especially to you. every word and rhyme sends waves of glee through your hazy mind.
Tina's Story Chapter 63 The Scandal
"have you...been intimate with him lately?" lydia blushed, clasping her hands, and swinging them back and forth in schoolgirl fashion. " had been a long time....before the babies." "how do you feel?" "what do you mean?"
this is not a stuffed animal
Bunny for those whom he has not yet allowed to become his intimate acquaintances. and as your closest sibling, the one who knows your heart the best, hands mr. bun to you, your heart gives a squeeze.
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 57 - The bitter truth...
Things like being in love with two persons at the same time, the desire to be intimate with them, absolutely everything that had me so confused. but reading about it made me curious...
Gift of the Sauia
Lyenu's mind drilled into her own, breaking down all her barriers, the tides of thought that were her last defense, and then finally lyenu reached the deepest and most intimate part of her mind: her self identity.