Queen to Be Thicc_ Second Draft
Corobus bumps into armand, like in the first draft, and blushes hard in seeing the shape of armand's body as he casually pushes the golden's fat chest away from him.
The protests
Police officer she had threw down not getting up,his mouth was bleeding and so was his nose and nearby layed a bloody jagged rock,she had accedentally killed him she didnt stand for that but she knew what she did,she was sad enough that her boyfriend was drafted
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #11- Mid-Season Suspicions
"calico's trying to get one of the keystones' 1st round pick in the upcoming draft.
Genesis Part Four, Euquine
#4 of furegon genesis rough draft so forgive errors please.
Rods and Cones
3rd draft of a chapter in the klein series after feeding the clothes, replacing the 2nd part of worship in the 2nd draft. to be merged with the mano and rakim series in surface. now, klein wanders out heedlessly into the wilderness. what awaits him?
[Commission] Mailhorse delivery service - The rise of radical individualism and how it can affect your sister's butt
It would have been bearable if limestone didn't interrupt her sister's task by asking her to hear her new draft or by always butting in, reminding her to be careful.
To Snare A Wolf Part Four
I mentioned the story of kory and titan in the last parts description, and the story is already being drafted out. however, enjoy the last part of to snare a wolf. i opened my mouth and kissed him back, our tongues fighting for control over each other.
Just another day chapter.3 draft submission
_soon lin comes out of the class room looking at vex who eyes wear vary distant "um i got utillity and support magic" he says trying to get his friend to respond. end of draft.
"Heroin Eyes"
This is the original draft, written by my departed mate as an anniversary gift for me on our second year together. he even gave me his permission to change its lyrics to give it more emotion when i used it in my story.
This is a pretty rough draft. also, looking for an editor, or criticism. or both. feel free to comment with a brutally honest opinion.
Duel harder ch1.
I see my presuiee draft into a corner i follow suit.
The Love Song of a Warrior-Poet
This poem was drafted with no particular meter in mind, and with the exception of a few rhymes is mostly prose.