Transformation Sequence - John W. Howler
Behind him, there is a great symbol of a white colored cross, just like the one of the brooch on his hat.
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 5-The Morning After
I felt a smile cross my muzzle,"only in my dreams." "come on,i said turning my cloaker back on,"were going to be late." we grabbed our bags and walked to school.
Chapter Three: Tsubasa Revealed
I soon went on the offensive with a spell i focused my riastu and created a cross then,"hadou 209: star crossed dragon."
Just What You Do
This is a relatively simple scene i wrote based on one of the prompts regularly posed over on writer's crossing. if prompts like this interest you, maybe you should check out writer's crossing yourself!
Brought to You by Swamp Weed Alchemy
They crossed their arms, pouting. the cat-knox's purr faded, and she sighed, rolling her eyes.
The Serpent Curse - Chapter 7
Sin was released onto the world through the tree, the cross reconciled it, see? somehow when i touched the cross, the connection was opened through me. critter: uh, i'm not quite sure i follow your logic, but okay.
A Warrior's Heart, Chapter 4
It wasn't like any other crossing or wave catching that strong soul had experienced.
.not sexy story part 000
She crosses her arms. "whatever." "you should go back and say you're sorry." "i should go back...for my bag." "you arrogant little..." she stops herself. "finish it, rouge!
An Exponential Noon
As they'd reached another pedestrian crossing. a flush. an eye-smile. eventually, they crossed. winding up on the steps of the soldiers and sailors monument. ross looked up. and sighed.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 1
But then, he had a pressing matter; the mystery of the crossing gate, and its past.
dragon's meal: final
He would be forced to cross the tops again if he changed. just as spike had predicted he was changed into a blood thirsty monster as he crossed the tops but as he returned he was changed back and headed down the mountain to tell the others.
Coming Out of the Tent
#7 of writer's crossing during the discussion of a short story in the book reading club of writers' crossing, i suggested that "coming out of the tent" should be a euphemism for coming out as a werewolf, because some of those stories involved or mentioned