The Bards Dream Part 1

chaotic arcs of lightning shot from his finger tips. they scorched and bloodied, causing a chain reaction, hitting one soldier after another. sustaining the spell for as long as he could muster, reck cleared the way of any resistance.

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Eeveelutions of Time: Chapter #1

It looked chaotic, something you'd only see in a horrific nightmare. the ground was all torn up, and there was a big crater in the middle. there were cuts on the trees, which laid on the ground all over the place.


Prince Alexander Wayne Selenveen [Character Information]

Alexander also utilizes his power to control light energy,chaotic energy,insane energy and spirit energy to create devastating attacks when not fighting with his sword or his fists.

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WOLVES MIST - Chapter 4(.2)

Laughter spent the three looked around at the chaotic clearing around them. snow found his weapons, but there was no trace of the draco's. snow stared at his brother a moment and quietly asked him "did you do all this?"

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He led me through a labyrinth of winding tunnels, somehow more chaotic and strangely organic than the ones we just left. as we descended into the bowels of the ancient ruin i felt the temperature dropping fast.

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Superiority Chapter 3

It was a chaotic sight. alarms blaring, lights flashing, vision nearly lost in a dense spray of water. seven figures exited the lobby. perfect. there were people screaming everywhere, trying to find the source of the fire, or a way out.

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Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 4 of 37

The bright sunny sky, the shimmering pavement, crowded sidewalks, fume-filled air, and raucous traffic quickly gave way to dimly light, chaotic colors, crowded dance-floor, smoke-filled air, and raucous atmosphere.

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A Conquerer's Fight For Freedom part 2: A Decision in the Making

While i was more conservative and connected with the noble gentle side of people he was aggressive and wise with the more chaotic side of things and he played off of those things.

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The Lords of Elemestara (prolog)

Dark fire lord altarmaru quickly grew to be a force to be reckoned with, his chaotic fire magic, fuelled by pain and torture, served nephry's ultimate goal well.

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Sky Ocean Chapter 1

The tired and irritable teen staggered his way out of his chaotic void of a room and made his way to the bathroom, clothed only in his feathers and his black patchwork pants.

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Prax's journal- some 3 years later

Or are things chaotic and us humans, being what we are, like to put labels on everything and made this "clock"? alas i stray again; sighs do not come just like my tears.

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Crossing Roads 1.2- The Price Of Order 1.1

"jane, you really need to stop these chaotic chases across town. you scare the people." the secretary at the police station mumbled as he was writing up the documentation for the criminal's profile.

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