The young bunny named Jasper awoke, streaching a few pops...
Bunny, Crossdressing, Otter
IMPORTANT: Please do not read if you are under 18/21 (local law). This story contains gay sex, if you don't like this sort of thing, please leave. If you are underage, leave, but don't blame me if you stay and get caught reading this, don't say I...
Bunny, Hospital, Wolf
A/N: Okay, both Toy Chica and a surprise character get introduced this chapter, their codenames are Pink(Toy Chica), and White, enjoy!
Black opened his eyes to a small yellow chicken fiddling with his IV. He groaned groggily as she bumped into him...
Bear, Bunny, Chicken
The Demon's Chance
story one of "Hell Fights Back"
by Alex Reynard
Marissa Matthewson was a little white bunny rabbit. She was lying on top of
her blankets on her bed while moonlight spread into the room through the open ...
Bunny, Compassion, Demon
### Growvember
November 29th
Waking up, I knew I was already causing trouble. The growth was continuing to be tremondous, my gains weren't only not stopping, but getting larger with each day. I can say this because, I could no longer see the mountain...
Bunny, Macro, mega
The night had come. A curtain light shine through the window where a bunny sat in front of a desk. There was a paper with an envelope beside it on the desk. The bunny looked at the paper for a second, then wrote
Dear Parents:
This is the last letter...
Bunny, Dark, Farewell
There were tigers, bunnies, avian ones, even a few wolves like myself. then this anna and elize entered the room with their excuse.
"sorry teach, we were on our way when this big monstrous thing showed up slowing us down." anna said.
Razor Fang
Three dragons"
stories by spamzzkrr: "krr" "krrs" "kma" "cnr"
characters used in these series: fox mcloud, falco, slippy(wherever he was), peppy, krystal, sally, wolf, leon, panther, pigma, fang, sonic the hedgehog, princess sally, dulcy, antoine, bunnie
Bad Language, Hedgehog, No-Yiff, Violence (Not In Yiff), Vixen
bunnie and tails could tell he was lying and that he was getting worse every day, he even had to stop his daily training sessions, while on corneria tamati waited at the space station along with several guards, hours went by until at last the ship came in
Celebration, Family, Friendship, Hedgehog, Love, Plot Development
the bunny's ears flopped down over his eyes, and he passed the wolf, who had been previously busy on his phone, but looked up and nodded, smiling cheerily.
_oh, that's nice._ the lapine thought. _he actually acknowledged me.
Anger, Bear, Fox, Lapine, Music, Otter, Rain, Romance
Scene: all the bunnies on the phone shout we love you judy. judy clicks off the phone and sobs. she turns to nick.
judy: you are a piece of work.
nick: i have my moments.
scene: judy walks up to nick and hugs him tight.
Action, Adult, Bunny, Chief Bogo, Crime, Cub, Fox, Gay, Judy Hopps, Kangaroo, Nick Wilde, Polar Bear, Suspense, Tiger. Wolf, Wolf