Warm Up - 11 | Dying of the Light
Once his crew gathered close, he congratulated them on the cape alone, the adopted brothers claiming the glory.
How To Write A Transformation Story
This meant he would be put up for adoption again! it was only a matter of time before he was put into a new happy home. it seemed his destiny was still to be someone's pet.
RW: OC: Delylah Beni
Delylah has 5 biological children due to her time as a surrogate mother, 3 boys to separate families and a pair of twin girls that the family willing paid out double to be able adopt both girls.
Sammy's Night Out.
He walked past several tree's lost in thought, having found out he was adopted. well sort of anyway, his brothers weren't his brothers but were instead only adopted brothers.
Dro'amoreth the Wise
Dro'amoreth, like the noble soul he is, adopted children as well. his first wife, a khajiit named ri'kamira, who was slain by bandits, bore him a sole daughter, by the name of azi (17).
Undertow : Prologue -- Chapter 5 - Christmas
After they died i ended up with my current adopted family out in barli, which is where i spent around five years at a neotrian school and then applied for and attended phalance." "wow. so... you're adopted, too.
The End ch6: Memories
"well, i'm from a small town in alaska, i'm 15, adopted, and i love the colour red." she was silent before continuing. "i never knew my dad. he was arrested for murder while my mother was still pregnant with me.
Infection 4
They usually made me feel like an outcast, making fun of me, talking about my dead parents, and how no one wanted to adopt me.
Kaspar Hauser
Hildegarde and i will now be spending our christmas wearing the funeral black for our adopted cub, who vanished from our lives as mysteriously as he appeared.
Sky Ocean Chapter 3
You were adopted?" noticing a distant look in his eyes she quickly apologized. "i-i'm sorry! that was rude of me..." gar raised a talon to silence her. "not at all. yes, my parents were both crows.
CU: Sunset
Casey both agreed to adopt the rodent into their family officially. aidan squeaked with joy. "but," mrs. casey pointed out, "you would have to help out around the house just like the rest of us." aidan nodded in agreement.
You Can Never Go Home
He and his brothers had to buy them for themselves, but sometimes families made gifts of them to their adopted inhuman sons, going off to war. evran's dad had given him his dogtags, so it was only right.