Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 12

Lokagos watched silently as the uniformed wolf began to speak. "_good day, my fellow wolves of the lupine empire. i am high admiral samuel royce, recently appointed director of the imperial defense department and chief of naval forces.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 11

Therapo looked over his shoulder to the vixen and wolf for a brief moment. ignoring the obvious questions that the strange scene conjured he turned back again to pull up one of the wolf's earliest charts on his tablet.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 9

"they didn't stay like that for long, did they, wolf? you were at war with them again, right?" the wolf nodded, beginning to tremble from the pressures put on his mind. "what happened then?" sozo leaned forward to speak into the wolf's twitching ears.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 7

#8 of of wolves and foxes chapter 7 "your lack of recordings is very discouraging, admiral hartford," said councilwolf gilder coldly, the aging wolf upset at being interrupted during the night by the incompetent officer.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 6

Before now the wolf had been aimlessly following the fox as he spoke, his assistant nearby. ionious looked to the wolf with a serious gaze, studying him like a germ through a microscope.

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Of Wolves and Foxes, Chapter 5

Scott growled angrily, turning on the wolf. a flash of white fangs and the wolf leveled an accusing paw at his nephew. "you're doing this, aren't you?" the younger's expression betrayed no emotion as he stared up at the older wolf.

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The Words of Wolves, A Fairy Tale

Now, most of their family has already died off, but before the lambs' mother expired she warned them not to trust the wolves. she said that the wolves are black furry creatures that will try to trick the white fluffy lambs and eat them whole.

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Chapter XVI, Jackals and wolves

In a way he had no idea what to do next, it was tempting to fall back into the fog of sleep and pull the lovely wolf into him. eventually he began slight movements, a soft whine of protest came from the wolf-girls muzzle. "..."

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Wolves' Legacy: Chapter 2

#2 of wolves' legacy saga this is the second chapter of the wolves' legacy story, i hope you like it. chapter 2 it was dark...no, it's red.

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S3 Ep5- The Wolves of Gaia

The other wolves were taking a lunch break and akira had an uncomfortable look on his face "what's up babe?"

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 30

A wolf finally ran at him and he threw the knife out to the side; sujji caught the rope around his arm and brought it swinging tightly around, the knife lightly whistling as it arced around and cut a line right through the wolf's throat.

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The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 29

"depart then, wolf, and i will meet you at the docks when my ships are ready." valdigt bowed and silva made a dismissive gesture. the wolf and otter departed.

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