Be so very careful what you demmand.
They looked just like demons, they did, twisted evil minds, making evil twisted plans. he could not imagine what they though they would do to him.
WOLVES MIST - Chapter 3(.5)
Quickly he lifted himself and flung his feet past klains head, twisting the arm in his grip as he moved. klain cried out, his arm close to popping from its socket. reacting he twisted with, trying to keep his arm from breaking.
Legend of the Five Gears idea exploration (Name Pending)
It twists them into mutants and monsters, parodies of once beautiful life. the saint's warping powers on physics turned into a horrible blight upon the world.
Garage Visit
As the change move up past his elbows he felt something pop in his shoulders, his front wheel twisting slightly to the side as his shoulders rotated against the solid shape of his body.
To be honest, he preferred what was left over, a twisted sense of artistic appreciation for the traumatized canvas that lay before him.
Burner Lullaby
Brown eyes roamed over the scratched and marred silver while it twisted in his grasp.
Tania's Boundless Appetite
The male orca let out a panicked scream and twisted in the water, working his body as hard as he could, trying to run away from the large female.
Ricky vs Yusufu [Sparring Wrestling Match]
He immediately held his face with his free paw, hoping it wasn't bleeding, but soon would try to twist his other arm in the lion's grasp to reverse it. he pulled the lion towards him as he twisted into an irish whip right for the ropes.
The Uncorrupted
While the two writhed in agony, the undead creature once again began to chant, pulling forth its twisted magic and directing it at both of his experiments. erik felt his body twisting, cracking, snapping.
Lurking in the Mud - Storm Wrestling
Pushing up with all his might his left leg slid up and he twisted, pitching flinty off balance to land in the muck with a splat.
Many Hands Make Light Work
At the same time as the argument around him grew more and more intense, he could feel his already twisted and contorted legs being bound together.
Conversions: Gravitas
twisting around the gravity dragon tried to aim himself so he could follow one of the paths back out.