U.C.O.D. Scorn of The Lost: Chapter 14
Even with huge amounts of deception and trickery the carnians still managed to fight their way half through the traps set for them before overwhelming manpower and cunning finally brought them down.
Ironwolf (Furvengers: Assemble!)
Hermes, the ancient greek embodiment of lies and trickery, was behind the downtown assault. geemo had practiced with the suit, before, but still found it difficult to clomp across the concrete floor as the strength augmentation systems came online.
Of Mice and Menace
"i drafted a letter to the bar association to complain about his trickery." "have you mailed it?" he nodded vigorously. "return receipt. i should get it soon. they usually reply promptly to the receipt." "you've had dealings with them before?"
Broken and Torn
They chuckled to themselves and sent a kilowatt smile in wolfy's direction, kilowatts full of trickery! wolfy huffed to himself, not thrilled with having to be a part of this get together, when a fraction of hope flitted into his mind.
Princess Luna - Chapter 3
Breathing her sweet breath across my face and through my hair, softly luna stated, _"david, whatever he said to you, you mustn't believe a word of it, for spreading self-doubt is one of discord's many specialities; wiser beings than you have been fooled by his trickery
Dragon Storm: Chapter 45: Lazz's back-up plan and the Anonymous Wanghu!
It only added to the fact that they used semi-good teamwork and trickery.
Draconian Peril Ch.4
Styx, a being incarnate of trickery and pleasure; had fallen for ryuu, a being of pure destructive power and chaos. " a nogitsune had lost in a game of seduction to a dragon, how pathetic." styx thought to herself.
Downtime - Ch. 3 (MHO)
"syltheans are known for their trickery, even the nice ones." "wait, you mean we could be stuck like this?!" kuna blurted out in a panic, making the sereva next to him jerk slightly. "well, not necessarily," the jarzin explained.
Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 2
trickery like this is their ancestral heritage. you do realize that, correct?" the captain inquires less kindly than before.
Aaru - Chapter 27 (Gruna Kinyar)
With no signs of trickery in the flow i decided to make the first move. i charged forwards. the moment i took my first step the flow shifted suddenly against me. i had never felt such a powerful shift in the flow before!
A night of change
"wh-what trickery is this? enough i say! unhand me you flea bitten beasts!" he tried to shake free of his captives grasp once more, quickly realizing it was futile.
Trying on New Clothes
"HNNG!" A shark flexed his upper body. Frostbyte was always into being an attractive ladies' man. Be it through his countless trips to the gym or his suave personality bordering on annoying, he was determined to be the talk of anyone he came across....