Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 96

"those eyes of yours, even as beautiful as this sunset is, they still grab my attention. in fact, i think the sunset's just making them look even better than they already were!"

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00 - The Fool

Their beautiful sunsets, which bathed the whole known world in ombre rays of honey and gold. would such sunsets also be seen in the universtrang? nervousness crept into his being. ushering a wintery chill into his limbs.

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Pt 7 - The Druid's Wait

By this time, it was sunset, and she glowered out the window as the light shades of sunset started to appear in the sky.

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Minecraft Phenomenon Ch.1

"and once i get some of these trees cut down i will be able to see the nice sunset behind those trees," he says jokingly with himself.

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guardians of paradise ch. 1 miracle forest

As the ine grew old, and time came upon them they hid their greatest treausre; paradise, a sunset wolrd where peace grew and love bloomed, then they hid a magic map to paradise in a pool of water in a forgotten realm.

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Ragnarok - XXVII

Shane turned not from the sunset as he said, "i thank you, in good faith.

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They make the sunrise and sunset. umbreon and espeon poem

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Scarlet Explorer: The Mission

"if you find nothing by sunset, return back and give me your report." star was glad that he had the liberty to give the jobs out to the teams.

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Verse One: Bittersweet Sacrifice

"tanukisama, we shall send you off at sunset. you can use the treeline to keep yourself concealed, though i am not certain how long it will take before the imperial mages sense you.

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When baby's gro Wangs bruh

18/8 would rate agan matee a long tim ago dere was a baby and it was a very fat baby the baby was so fat tat da baby pooped a lot den 1 day da baby grew wangs also known as super wings so da baby plea of into da sunset until the world grew arms


Manaphy's Electricfying Meal! Timothy And Manaphy!

Anyway, timothy turned right, towards a beach, and stopped, looking at the sunset over the ocean. "it's beautiful... the sun is beautiful" he said to himself "i wish i could fly over the sunset... but i can't...".

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Dragonball Z fanfic Chapter 1: Fall of Planet Vegeta

They headed inside for some rest, it was already sunset anyway. as they slept, voldock, now known as flame, could only think of his father, and if he was dead or not.

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